We are extremely grateful for the community of friends that we've met along the way through these songs. Many of you have played a vital role in inspiring us to do what we do. We've always looked for ways to connect beyond just the songs and the shows. This is why we began putting out a free video podcast (now 32 episodes and counting!), the daily foot photo journal, the switchfeed news feed on our homepage, the live studio camera, and our all-new message-board community. For us, music has always been about communication, and keeping the dialogue going long after the guitars have stopped ringing. In addition to all of this, many of you have been requesting, for lack of a better term, a fan club of sorts (maybe a "fam" club?), and after much planning and brainstorming, we are extremely excited to bring to you "Friends of the Foot."
What this IS: A way for us to provide something extra for those that want it -- a way to say hi at the shows without having to wait outside the venue; a way to see what happens on tour and in the studio on a larger scale, with updates on an almost-daily basis; access to rare out-takes, and other downloads that a casual listener may not appreciate. This is simply a way to do more, without taking anything away from what we already do.
What this IS NOT: an elite club or clique. This is not about who has and has not. This is not about who is a real fan and who isn't. This is not a dividing line in the middle of our great community. This is simply a way for us to provide a higher level of content and dialogue for those who want it.
We are extremely grateful for everyone that listens to these songs, everyone who sings along, and everyone who believes that these tunes could be part of a story much larger than ourselves. Whether you are a friend of the foot, or simply a friend, we are honored to have you as part of our family.
jon, tim, chad, jerome, and drew
The price tag is steep (50 bucks!), but it will be worth it! Go pick up your membership today by going HERE
Here's the brief Sunday evening post! CanvasandWater from the official message boards found this video of Switchfoot rehearsing "Love Is the Movement" for the Up In Arms Tour. Would make a lot of sense, considering To Write Love On Her Arms took their slogan from the song! Well, here it is!
thanks to Andrew, one of our faithful friends, for the heads-up!
Here's what Phil, the official online content provider/switchfeed-runner/ultimate cool guy had to say about all of this!
"Official" fan club doesn't mean you're not officially a fan if you're not part of it - it just means it's official, run by the band, not some third party - it just means it's not a fansite but an official thing, even though that goes without saying.
And I see where you guys are coming from - I agree SF has never been about a clique, but that's not what this is - we should see this in perspective and be thankful - this just gives them an avenue to give us more stuff that will be of interest to the dedicated fan but maybe not the casual fan (hence the need for the club method - it's official but not too official - it's for friends, not for the world). Things like bootlegs (which, by the way, will be on a CD with artwork). It doesn't make sense to complain when they're giving us more. We won't be getting this stuff if not for this. The alternative is to continue having access only to what they put out for the whole world - is that what we'd rather have? Hence, "friends of the foot."
And of course it's gotta cost something - there's shipping and costs involved - they'd run into loss if they sent us stuff for free. And it's not gonna cost a bomb, we should know the guys better than to think they'd rip us off.
Besides, now that they're an independent band, things like this could be crucial to their survival.
This is looking to be a sweet deal. "Friends of the Foot" launches Monday, March 31st.
Andy Barron posted Entry No. 1 of the Up In Arms tour on the Daily Foot.
Northwest Florida Daily News posted a new story talking to Jon Foreman about Switchfoot and when they come to town March 31, 2008
“I don’t want to preach with words. The thing that speaks the loudest are your actions. On stage, I try to let the music speak for itself.”
The band’s current album is “Oh, Gravity” from 2006, and concertgoers can expect to hear “quite a bit of (it) because we love it and it’s near and dear to our hearts,” Foreman says.
Don’t count out older favorites, such as “Meant to Live” and “Dare You to Move,” or some new material. The band is working on a new album that Foreman hopes will be out this fall.
“You don’t want to press these things. You want to let them come in their time,” he says. How much new material they play is up to his brother.
“Tim’s in charge of that. It depends on what kind of mood he’s in,” Foreman says.
Although the band’s name is derived from a surfing term, they’ll be leaving their boards at home. Foreman noted that “Florida isn’t known for great waves,” but that isn’t the main reason.
“We carry so many guitars that it’s space-prohibitive,” he says, “until maybe someone invents inflatable surfboards.”
Whoa, so Tim's in charge of the new stuff? haha. Read the rest here
Here's some videos from the San Antonio show last night:
What better way to start it off than to take a look at a new story that the Augusta Chronicle did with Switchfoot's very own master-of-all-trades, Jerome Fontamillas.
He said that although success has made it more difficult to engage individual fans, band members still want to make the music and themselves accessible.
"The more people hear you, the more a piece of you needs to go out," he said. "I mean, when radio plays you, when you are on TV, people want to know about you. And when that demand is there, you owe it to them to, in some way, make yourself available. It's actually something that's an honor for us."
Although Switchfoot has been both praised and criticized for churning out radio-ready hits, Mr. Fontamillas said writing catchy pop-rock tunes isn't effortless. He said that for each track that makes it onto an album, there are several that will never see the light of day.
"You have to work hard in crafting a song that people will listen to," he said. "Of course, John Foreman (Switchfoot's lead singer) is an amazing lyricist. But it is a process of sifting. We might write 100 songs, and I'll tell you, there are a lot of them that will be terrible."
Switchfoot will go from regular to goofy and then back again. They will slowly morph into the Bob Burnquists of the subtle-Christian-influence-VH1-rock sound.
refular to goofy then back again? Sounds like U2's career path so far, eh? Interesting. (Thanks LOBH for that heads-up!)
Jon Foreman sent out an email talking about the Spring EP, and how the Up In Arms tour is about to begin.
the flowers are here, the skies are blue, and the water is starting to warm up a bit. And the spring EP is out there, ready for your ears and mind.
Tomorrow the boys and I embark for the colder climes for our spring tour with TWLOHA. I'll take a little bit of the pacific sand with me to help get me through the month away from home. So, if you're up in the colder spots longing for spring- the EP should help bring you out west.
The musical journey that these EPs have taken me on has been one of the most challenging, fulfilling process I've ever been a part of. Thanks to everyone who has walked with me along the way.
To kick off tour, we found a great article about it:
“That we can come alongside an organization like TWLOHA and kind of co-lift up with them, it’s just so great,” [Drew] Shirley said. “It’s the whole idea of ‘Up In Arms.’ It’s like a big group hug.” Switchfoot’s latest album, “Oh, Gravity,” has been lauded as Jon Foreman’s greatest foray into candid songwriting. With the group recently leaving the Columbia label to create their own (called “lowercase people”), Shirley says they will be free to use a greater degree of artistic liberty on future albums.
Read the rest for more about this "big group hug." Nice, Drew. Nice!
Also, Switchfoot may have been the most slighted band somewhat remotely associated with CCM last year. The Jesusfreakhideout reader's choice awards have been handed out, and Switchfoot placed second in just about every major category they were eligible, including the following:
Artist of the Year Male Vocalist of the year (Jon Foreman) Album of the Year (Oh! Gravity.) Song of the Year (Awakening) Rock Album of the Year (Oh! Gravity.) Digital Album of the Year (Fall EP)
Second in all of those categories! They didn't win at least one of those... The only thing I'm really having trouble grasping is the "Artist of the Year" award, which went to a band called Family Force Five. I have no comments.
Well, the Winter EP peaked at No. 12 on the iTunes overall charts yesterday. Today, it has fallen a slot to No. 13. I'd say it's another success! Keep spreading the word about these ep's. They definitely deserve it.
EDIT: (2:15 pm PST) It's back at No. 12!
So, what's your favorite track from "Spring" so far???
Happy Jon Foreman Spring release day! It is available on iTunes and Amazon now! Go pick it up when you have the chance. This is probably one of the best ep's so far.
Also, Jon has posted the entire ep on his myspace for your streaming pleasure. Go there now and give him some plays!
More thoughts to follow later in the day, and we'll be posting chart positions, etc.
So far, as of 8:39 am PST, Spring is No. 51 on the iTunes top overall albums.
EDIT: It is 10:34 am PST, and Spring has hit No. 2 on iTunes top Rock albums. It still is No. 51 overall.
EDIT: As of 11:53 am PST, Spring is now No. 18 on iTunes top overall albums!
EDIT: As of 4:47 pm PST, Spring is No. 13 on iTunes top overall albums. it is also featured in the "What's Hot" section.
First item today, Jon Foreman posted a new blog on his myspace!
Friday, March 22, 2008 spring Hi everyone! So I’m finishing up the song for the lion today- "this is home." Hope you dig it...
even more pertinent - Spring comes out on tuesday. 5-bucks at jonforeman.com That’s about the price of a cup fancy coffee- So switch to tea for a week, listen to the sound of flowers and talk about how good you feel!
I’m really amped to get these tunes out there. For a few reasons, spring was the hardest season to finish. I wanted to tie it in with fall and winter and yet make it distinct You can tell me whether we made it or not!
I’m getting the handwritten lyrics together now...
Also, for those of you who like a good cover, Jon's "Your Cheatin' Heart" cover, which was on his myspace last year, is now available on a compilation cd of artist covers of classic tunes. It's available on Amazon.com.
It sounds like Keith Tutt did a bit of work on it.
Next, our dear friend Jeanna from Land of Broken Hearts found this amazing interview with Jon right conducted right before the Biola Centennial celebration. It’s chock full of insight. Here’s my favorite section:
How does Spring & Summer compare with Fall & Winter?
Spring I just finished. The masters were turned into iTunes on Friday.
Yeah, I saw the track listing you posted online.
Oh, yeah. I wanted it to be cohesive with the other two but I wanted it to also turn a corner with the thematic element. As far as the musical element, I wanted to add different flavors that would be symbolic of flowers popping up, new colors, new life. That was the trickiest part, to draw that into the frame of the “Learning How To Die” kind of somber tones of Fall & Winter.
I’ve noticed with the EPs and stuff you’ve been blogging a lot. How important is it to keep up that interaction with fans?
Well, it’s something I’ve always done. Even back in ’97, we were doing stuff with the P.O. Box. “Send us a dollar in a self-addressed stamped envelope and we’ll send you a sticker,” you know? People would write letters and I’d handwrite a letter back. That was the way it was. So now it’s just a matter with blogging, you can do that in a way that a lot of people get to read the letter, which is kind of nice.
In addition to that, you have the side project with Sean of Nickel Creek entitled The Real SeanJon. What’s the latest on that?
We’re coming close on picking a name that won’t get us a lawsuit. We’re doing the final song right now, and there’s a rumor that there’s a large company that produces caffeinated beverages that might put it out in a few months. So, we’ll see.
So that’s maybe like a summer release then or something?
Yeah, and that record is surprising because we put very little into it and it turned out really good. Sometimes it’s the opposite, where you put a lot into it and you’re not really that thrilled with the results, but this was the exact opposite. We didn’t really do that much and it just kind of fell together.
Stylistically how does it compare with Switchfoot and Nickel Creek?
It’s closer to the solo stuff. Maybe Nickel Creek’s last record. It’s got a little bit of that in there maybe. I didn’t play any electric guitar; Sean played all the electric guitar. We came up with these cowboy rules and wrote them all down. That was our code for the record that we had to live by.
Last year, you parted ways with Columbia and started Lowercase People Records. How did that whole situation happen? Was that kind of a joint thing or your decision?
Yeah, I mean neither party has any hard feelings. I think for us, the reason why we signed with Columbia was because of the people that were there. So it’s very understandable when all those people are gone, you don’t hold any real bad feelings or good feelings towards a company name. I think that’s part of the problem with the corporate entity as a whole is that there’s no true responsibility.
I think for us as a band, we just see it as there’s a time and a season for everything, and right now it was the right season for us to begin doing things on our own again with the solo EPs and with the SeanJon thing. You know touring is even affected by what label you’re on. We had disagreements about the way things should be run, so we parted on amicable terms and it was a mutual thing. I think it’s the best thing that could have happened for us; to be able to kind of turn over a new leaf.
With the way the music industry is right now, do you see more bands going a similar route?
I absolutely do. Like I said, there’s a time and a season. A couple years ago, I don’t think it would have been the right move for us at all, but to be in a place where we are now, we don’t have to play that game anymore. We’re able to think like, “Let’s do a tour in the South Pacific. Let’s do a tour in Europe. Let’s do a tour in the States.” It becomes very simple. We want to put out a record. That’s great. OK, put it out. There’s no over thinking. There’s not 500 cooks in the kitchen, you know? I feel like we are at a place now where we understand more than ever what we want to do with our music, and it feels like the right place to be.
How is that new record coming along?
It’s good. Tim and I have just been writing. You know, it’s one of those things where you get to a point where you kind of want to shock yourself again. The reason why you started playing music in the first place is because it’s shocking, and it felt like you were somehow defying gravity or something like that. So you kind of want to find that place again. You can’t go to the same well. That’s all dry; you got to find a new place.
You guys are building your own studio too, right? Is that almost done?
Yeah, it’s pretty much done except for a few final tweaks. You know, little last minute red tape type issues.
So the most successful record you guys have had was The Beautiful Letdown back in ‘03. Has there ever been or is there still any pressure to achieve that huge status again?
On the one hand, you never set out to achieve it, but on the other hand, you’re not trying for failure either. I think for us, our goals have always been a little bit more inline with things that can be measured outside of numerical success. So I think certainly in the back of your head, that record has helped put food on the table and certainly helped get all the rest of the songs we’ve written a bigger platform. I think to try and go back and duplicate that feels like… I don’t know. Like I said before, you can’t go to the same well twice. You have to come to new places.
Here’s another one, back in 2004, conducted with drummer extraordinaire, Chad Butler:
If you weren't in Switchfoot, what would you be doing?
Probably, teaching surfing. That is what I was doing when we started the band back in San Diego.
Who are your musical influences?
The Police for sure, Stevie Wonder and it a little known fact that he played drums on his records, and The Beatles, U2. Currently there are just so many bands in San Diego that motivate us. We try to go to as many shows as we can when we are home.
What cd is in your cd player right now?
Death Cab for Cutie, I like the Postal Service too but as far as the live drumming goes, I vote for Death Cab.
What other cds have you been listening to?
Cursive (Ugly Organ), Noise Ratchett (their new EP)
Do you enjoy touring?
Love it; well like I said it's like a family, I'd never be another band. I think that if I weren't in Switchfoot, I wouldn't be touring at all. It sounds hard to imagine not being with this group of guys. We have such a great time on and off stage. Our families are all real close too. Even when we aren't on the road, we are all hangin out back home.
Go here for the full interview! Be a surf teacher... how predictable... =D
And, time for probably one of the best Jon Fall & Winter Ep’s ever. Thanks to Phil from switchfeed for finding this! It’s so right one, I felt like posting the entire thing right here:
Jon Foreman is best known as the sensitive rock-prophet front man of San Diego band Switchfoot. The band’s anthemic cries against rampant materialism and purposeless existence somehow struck a chord with just the sort of folks their songs depicted. MTV (a bastion, we would add, of rampant materialism and purposeless existence) even placed hopeful (if angsty) tunes like “Meant to Live” in their rotation.
Switchfoot, perhaps, has faded from mainstream consciousness. Nevermind. In the intervening years, the quintet has worked hard to establish themselves as indie-rock mainstays, not mere MTV darlings. Recent work may not receive the attention of previous releases, but I like to think of their subtle exodus as a sort of monastic retreat ala Rivers Cuomo. They’re honing their craft, these five. They will emerge pensive, melancholic. In other words: a bit more indie (whatever that means).
Maybe. Maybe not. It would seem that Foreman, however, listens to this sort of artist (the pensive; the melancholic; the indie). Listen. You’ll hear it in Fall/Winter—half of a seasonally themed project. (Bet you can’t guess the title of the next installment.)
We should note, by the way, that Foreman, like every other relevant independent artist, has caught on to the future of music marketing—or should we say the present? “Fall” and “Winter” were previously available as separately released download-only e.p.’s. On January 15th he released the physical counterpart “Fall/Winter,” which combines the two short albums. Kudos to Foreman for keeping his ear to the ground.
But what of the music itself? Fall is a restrained lamentation of human existence—though not without hope of redemption. The opener, “The Cure for Pain,” explores the necessity of pain in one’s spiritual journey. “Southbound Train” opens with a subdued harmonica train, blown over the tired tracks of a thumping guitar. (Think: Johnny Cash’s “Orange Blossom Special” as performed by Iron and Wine.) The song paints the picture of a lonely rider on a train seeing someone he left behind in every fleeting detail. “Lord, Save Me From Myself” explores similar lyrical content to many Switchfoot songs, but is wrapped in inventive folk-instrumentation. This simple, repetitious tune is carried by the stellar production and solid instrument choice. Though lyrically at times it seems to condemn society, perhaps it is really about the evil we see in ourselves, though exponentially present in the world as a whole. Ultimately the cry is “Ah, Lord, save me from myself.” “Equally Skilled” once again explores the corrupt nature of man in a way that would make John Calvin proud. Rasped so gently from Mr. Foreman, such a pronouncement of judgment has never sounded so sweet. Perhaps this could be considered the title track, the season of fall being symbolic of the Biblical fall of Man. However, don’t lose sight of redemption. Foreman never does. He declares, “For though I fall, though I fall, I will rise again.” This song, like the e.p. as a whole, admits personal evil while expressing hope in the mercy of God.
Whereas it’s easy to find themes of fall in “Fall,” there is a lack of cohesiveness within “Winter.” It feels like an extension of ideas found in the first e.p. Musically, no tracks stand out. Listen to “Fall” and “Winter” back to back and try to spot the transition from one e.p. to the other. They flow into one another, breaking down toward the beginning of Winter. It’s not long until things are getting tedious. (Good gravy! Wail man! Scream! Do something!) This is not to say the subdued rasping of Foreman’s thoughtful lyrics goes unappreciated. His music demands your attention. Play it quietly in the background and it provides texture. But. Shut your eyes. Give yourself to the hushed lamentation of “White as Snow”; sense the hope of lines like “build me a home/inside your scars;” enter into the beauty of acceptance, despite the fall. Something beyond texture envelops you. Music should do more than color your world, more than inform, more than entertain. Music should transport you to a level of awareness and appreciation. Music is mystic. “Fall/Winter” may not transport you to the seventh heaven, but somewhere in the sparse production you may hear a chorus of angels.
by t clair for intothehill.com
Title: “Fall/Winter” Artist: Jon Foreman Release Date: January 15, 2008 Our Rating: 7/10
Jon Foreman posted another blog on his myspace Monday night.
Monday, March 17, 2008
for the prince and the lion (and the love of parenthesis)
Hey everyone! (how are you?) I’m a big fan of CS Lewis so a movie made by the mouse, (mickey) for the lion (aslan) seemed like a good idea. So I’m up here (near disneyland incidentally), tracking a song that may or may not be used for the next narnia movie.
It’s been such a fun project so far. It needed a real bass player and a real drummer... so I called up a few friends of mine. Truly- it’s so fun to be playing songs with tim and chad again! Don’t really know where this tune is headed... But summer is due in a few weeks (akee!) so it better get there fast!
Austin was so fun... (by the way). Thanks to all who hung out and came out and spoke out and rocked out and such.
What else? Ummm, Jamie T of TWLOHA spent the night last night. We were talking about how stoked we were to be going on tour this spring! So come out and represent -sent.
Also, not sure If I put this up yet- set list for spring, here it is:
march (featuring molly jenson) love isn’t made (featuring sarah masen and emily foreman) in my arms (a beatles type vibe) baptize my mind (featuring carl denson) your love is strong, (which might be the best tune on these ep’s so far) revenge (featuring pedal steel and mariachi horns)
see you soon, (bye!) jon
exciting. I hope to hear his song on the "Prince Caspian" credits. That would be amazing!
And having his girl Emily, and her sister Sarah, on "Love Isn't Made" will definitely give that song an even more special feel! Plus, Molly Jenson! There's a ton of guests on this one!
Go there and if you have an AP account, comment on it. We're slowly building a Jon Foreman presence on that site. A lot of people have taken a liking to Jon's eps, and their once cynical views of Switchfoot are slowly being turned towards the positive. Let's spread the word, footsoldiers!
Apparently, these are from Keith's Youtube account. But here they are in all their glory. Freshly uploaded today! (maybe there will be more?) (thanks to edguitar on the official message boards for pointing that out to us!)
Go here to listen to the tantalizingly short previews... if you want to... hehe.
This looks to be yet another look into Jon Foreman's musical stylings. March sounds very Beatlesesque, and Love Isn't Made will be my personal look-forward-to song. W00t!!
Jon Foreman was "in his element" while playing at SXSW the past few days, according to Doug Van Pelt, from hmmagazine.com.
Jon Foreman
Jon was in his element, telling stories, relaxed, joking around, and sounding just awesome vocally. I had heard that it was slightly rough at first, but the last 3 or 4 songs I heard were just spot-on and sounding real good -- high notes being hit with accuracy and feeling. A guy named Keith accompanied Jon (with acoustic guitar in hand) on oboe, making for a nice segue for my personal club hopping experience. I was surprised to hear him do "24" from his Switchfoot catalog. He explained that he'd written it the day before he turned 25.
SOURCE (Thanks Aki from the official message boards for the heads-up)
Keith plays oboe...? Hehe... I thought that thing was called a "cello" ...?
The Wall Street Journal apparently is pretty clueless when it comes to music, but they've got some great nuggets for Switchfoot fans to eat up:
Jon Foreman will have about 50 of his songs recorded and available later this year. Over a cup of tea at the Eastport Café a little while ago, he told me 24 new compositions will appear on his solo EPs “Spring,” which will be released in April, and “Summer,” which he’ll be recording later this month. Another batch will turn up on an album by Fiction Family, a joint project of Mr. Foreman and Nickel Creek’s Sean Watkins. And a dozen to 15 more will be on the new Switchfoot album, which will no doubt please the 2.7 million fans who bought the band’s last CD, “Beautiful Letdown.” Switchfoot is in the process of finalizing its song selection and will enter the studio soon, Mr. Foreman told me. Then the band will look for a label; Switchfoot has left Columbia.
Mr. Foreman isn’t worried about overworking. “I’m the guy in the band who, after rehearsal, is always shouting, ‘Do you want to play some more?’
Weeding out the incorrect information (24 songs on the Spring and summer? Uh, more like 12; The Beautiful Letdown was the bands last cd? er... no...), we have a new name for The Real SeanJon project. Sean and Jon will go under the new moniker, "Fiction Family."
And the last sentence made me kind of chuckle: "Then the band will look for a label; Switchfoot has left Columbia." hah... The band has their own label! And they're working with frickin' ATO Records baby!!! W00t!
Surfline.com posted a press release for the Bro-Am from Switchfoot.
"Over the past three years the Bro-Am has grown from a small dream into a beautiful reality; its extremely touching to see our entire community rallying together for our youth," says Switchfoots Tim Foreman. "This year were honored to be partnering with StandUp For Kids, a nonprofit organization helping homeless and street kids in San Diego for the past 18 years. Were thankful to live in San Diego and were thankful for all the people who continue to work together to make a difference."
And San Diego City beat had this to say about Jon Foreman, and Switchfoot, previewing SXSW.
"Let’s be honest. San Diego treats the mainstream success of acts like P.O.D. and Switchfoot with a conflicted mix of regional pride and haughty dismissal. That same (often contrived) contempt for “commercial” artists is pervasive at SXSW. Foreman couldn’t distance himself from Switchfoot if he tried—he’s billed in the festival program as “Jon Foreman (of Switchfoot)”—but he can prove his singer/songwriter mettle (and promote his solid, if a tad self-indulgent, four-part EP project) with a SXSW slot opening for Nicole Atkins and The Vines."
Sadly, musical snobbery towards "mainstream" success is a very real issue with people today. But, I'd have to agree Jon's solo songs are a bit more self-indulgent, which isn't a bad thing! Remember this quote?
"Not to sound selfish, but many times, it's for my own benefit. You're writing a song to get something off your chest..." - Jon Foreman, Nothing Is Sound DVD.
And, I really think Jon Foreman can set up a name for himself, outside of the band. His Ep's really are that good! They just need time to spread through the grassroots, and soon enough, I think Jon's stuff will be distinguishable from Switchfoot's, whether he wants it to be or not.
MusicFaith.com has released their results for their 2007 awards, and Switchfoot won MOST ANTICIPATED RELEASE OF 2008 and Oh! Gravity came in 2nd place in the ROCK ALBUM OF 2007 category! Congrats to the band and everyone who voted for them! (Thanks LOBH for the heads-up)
Yes, I am getting rather obsessed with this whole record company thing, but hey! There's really nothing much else to talk about at rather quiet times like these.
So, here's a video from back around Appetite For Construction times, where Jon sings Learning to Breathe, then holds a brief q & a session with the people. At the very end, after a question about The Real SeanJon, some dude asks a very obscure, quiet question, that I can't distinguish. Jon replies by saying that they would be working with some "friends of ours" at ATO Records. Whether Jon was referring to Switchfoot and/or The Real SeanJon is the question. Well, here's the vid:
I am pretty stoked, if BOTH The Real SeanJon and Switchfoot will be working with ATO Records. So there's the daily dose of rumor-mill juiciness.... daily record company/business-stuffs obsession satisfied...
We have to official release dates for Jon's next two ep's, Spring and Summer, thanks to the oddly named Girlie Action site and Inside Revolution. Thanks Clifton for the heads up!
"Timeline of the upcoming EP releases:
· March 25, 2008: The Spring EP will available at all of the digital music stores and at www.jonforeman.com · May 27, 2008: The Summer EP will be available at all of the digital music stores and at www.jonforeman.com · May 27, 2008: A two disc collection featuring both the Spring and Summer EPs will be available at all physical music retailers and at www.jonforeman.com"
The Spring & Summer cd release is coming out even sooner than originally reported! "Also moved up from it's June 10th release date, Jon Foreman's Spring & Summer EPs and Summer EP will now release on May 27th." - Inside Revolution
EDIT: We have it from the actual source. Credential Recordings' latest myspace blog announces the official release dates.
"Jon Foreman's awesome solo EPs, "Fall" and "Winter", are available in a physical cd set in stores now. The "Spring" EP will be out March 25 and "Summer" comes out May 27!"
Mar 12 2008 1:00A Victorian Room at The Driskill Austin, Texas
Mar 14 2008 3:15P (MILITIA GROUP PARTY) Maggie Mae¹s Austin, Texas
Mar 14 2008 10:00P (BILLBOARD MAGAZINE PARTY) Pangaea Austin, Texas
These are part of the SXSW Film/music/interactive festival/conference. For more information, check out http://www.sxsw.com/
They also posted a feature on Jon.
As Switchfoot’s tour bus begins to rollout after the band’s show at Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC this past November, the tour manager realizes that not everyone is on the bus. He quickly realizes that lead singer Jon Foreman is the one missing. But, no one is concerned. In fact, everyone knows where he is. The tour manager steps off the bus, and looks up the street. There on the sidewalk is Jon, playing his acoustic guitar for over 60 kids who have waited over 3 hrs after the show to see him play.
Read the rest here! It's one of the best features for Jon I've read yet.
Charlie Peacock- a man known for both being a Jazz musician early on and an industry veteran later on. A man who discovered, signed, and developed a little San Diego band called Switchfoot; the rest, as they all say, is history. I am pleased to present to you all for your reading pleasure, an exclusive interview with Mr. Peacock. Jeanna from over on Land of Broken Hearts first pitched the idea to me, and I was thrilled to contribute. The result is this short yet very informative interview with the man who helped start it all. So without further ado, here's our interview!
Land of Broken Hearts(LOBH) & We're Awakening (WA): Thank you so much for doing this interview with us Mr. Peacock. It's truely an honor! Now you've been with Switchfoot since their beginnings as a band. Can you share some of your first impressions of the band and their music?
Charlie Peacock: My first impression of the music was via a cassette tape. I thought the music was wonderfully inventive. Loved the lyrics too. Arrangements and parts were very clever and magnetic. Then I met them as people and was totally captured by their innocence and enthusiasm for life.
LOBH: What has it been like for you, watching Switchfoot’s progression over the past 10 years?
Charlie: One of my favorite collection of memories to be sure. Very proud to know these guys and have some small part in their trajectory of good. I love to hear fan's responses to the music. I especially like stories of how the songs help people become one kind of person in the world and not another -- how they shape people toward goodness and curiosity.
LOBH & WA: What was it like working with Switchfoot on the earlier albums? You were executive producer, and Jimmy Lee Sloas was the producer. Was it more of a watch-from-a-distance type of thing for you? Will it be different this time around?
Charlie: I was the executive producer on the first album because I was afraid that if I produced it I'd ruin their sound by trying to clean it up too much. I was very involved though. I chose the producer and engineer and studios and picked the songs. I also played on the recording and helped with arrangements. I am the executive producer on Jon's EPs because Jon doesn't really need a producer anymore. He just needs people who will tell him their honest opinion and I've always done that with Jon. I produced New Way To Be Human and half of Learning To Breathe and then was a co-producer with Fields and the guys on the single "Dare You To Move" on The Beautiful Letdown. I don't want to say too much about the new recording because it's really the band's choice as to what they communicate about it. I think it's safe to say that I've worked on it to some degree and that it will of course be the best Switchfoot album yet!
LOBH & WA: We heard your interview with CMCentral back in December, and you were talking about Switchfoot working with ATO Records in some sort of fashion? Is that true, or has it been confirmed? If so, to what capacity will they be helping the guys out with the record?
Charlie: Another question better answered in full by the band. For now, It's no secret that Switchfoot is working with ATO and the good people at Red Light Management. Bruce Flohr at ATO is a great music person and he will serve the band well. There's a reason both Switchfoot and Radiohead chose to partner with Bruce and his team. They are really good at what they do. Switchfoot is a smart band. They make good choices.
LOBH & WA: How close are you to the Switchfoot guys as friends?
Charlie: Well the original three are like sons -- though they all have excellent parents so I'm not that needed. Romey and Drew are like best friends I'd hang out with in highschool, maybe play in a band with doing Cure, Smiths, and The Jesus and Mary Chain covers. All of them are high integrity fellas.
LOBH & WA: What was it like working with Jon Foreman on his solo stuff?
Charlie: I love the songs so it was very enjoyable. I also liked being able to help Jon sort through the mountain of songs he's written over the last year or so. He's very prolific you know. Songs are his oxygen. He let me play a few vintage keyboard parts too which was a nice bonus. Most of the time I just made him tea and biscuits and fetched his laundry.
LOBH & WA: How’s the new Switchfoot album coming along? Any new sounds we can look forward to? We hear there’s a bit of a focus on electronic and acoustic...?
Charlie: It wouldn't be a mystery if I explained everything. But I know you're curious so I'll give out one tiny bit of information. There's electronic and acoustic, and there's rhythm and melody, but absolutely no harmony. That would be so 2004. I'm usually not this obtuse, I promise.
LOBH & WA: How long have you been making music? What got you interested in that field?
Charlie: I started getting serious about music when I was probably 8 or 9. I played snare drum first, then clarinet, then trumpet and I stuck with that for a long time until I taught myself guitar and piano when I was about 13. Next I learned music theory and then recording. My father was a musician and I learned a lot from him. I wanted to be a poet but I found out that being a poet is even harder than making it in music. I started writing songs. I signed a development deal with A&M Records early on and later made an album for them and one for Island Records. Then I got into producing because I loved experimenting in the studio. By all accounts I have lived a charmed life. To be anything but grateful would be an insult to grace and to God specifically.
LOBH & WA: We've heard that you personally have always wanted to make music and promote bands that make music for everyone... not just the CCM market. Is that still important to you, or have things changed?
Charlie: That's correct. I started out in mainstream pop music as a very young Christian. I later worked with Sparrow and EMI because I believe that people of faith should be everywhere and in everything -- including the church. I didn't realize how much this choice would brand me or music I loved. To say that I dislike the branding of music by some genre description like CCM would be a massive understatement. I am a tireless worker for music and bands that take their music everywhere and believe for good things in the strangest of places and circumstances. Besides that, the whole concept of ccm is horribly dated and nearly faded from church culture.
LOBH & WA: How about yourself? Are you going to release a new record? Those songs on your myspace sound great!
Charlie: Thank you. Yes, working on several things right now. First I have Arc of the Circle coming out in April. It's a duets record with saxophonist Jeff Coffin from Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. This is quirky improvisational music -- something I call jazz/not jazz. We have some stellar guest including Marc Ribot, the iconoclastic guitarist featured on the new Robert Plant/Alison Krauss project. Then West Coast Diaries Vol. II is being reissued in June as a remixed and remastered version. It's sort of like my version of Jon's EPs but from 20 years ago of course. Then sometime after the first of 2009 I will have a new book and full-length out. I'm very interested in playing live again. I love that the changes in the music business are forcing musicians to be real musicians again and get out of the soul-killing studio life and record business.
LOBH & WA: Lastly, we have what call the LOBH Three, which we ask to all our interviewee's:
1. What is one questions you've never been asked and the answer?
Charlie: Why do you sometimes write songs that don't have separate verses or even choruses? Because I'm attempting to write in a cinematic style where a song has an emotional story arc to it, a beginning, middle and end. To repeat a section would destroy the integrity of the song's journey and the listener's experience of it.
LOBH & WA: 2. What is one song you wish you had written? Charlie: Fountain of Sorrow by Jackson Browne.
LOBH & WA: 3. What is the best advice you've ever been given/heard? Charlie: "Always confirm, never assume." "Don't worry about tomorrow, each day has enough trouble of it's own." "Seek ye first the kingdom of God."
LOBH & WA: Mr. Peacock thank you so much for your time! Charlie: Hope you like [the interview]!
...the video for "Awakening" has reached 2 million+ views on youtube! It seems like just yesterday that we were all supporting this video, voting tirelessly on FUSE and Vh1... with success in one and not the other, respectively.
But I think we should take this moment and really let this milestone sink. It's not every artist that has two million views on a video.
First of all, Jon Foreman posted a new myspace blog! In it, he pokes fun at Texans and talks about other things. Here it is:
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
"teh-haas" is how you say it
yeah! that's right texas possesses a silent X in the language of those who named it. that's right, so don't mess with "teh haas." Ever.
I'm just messing with you. It's cause I love you! you know that right? good. Ok, Thanks to all who made my time out in "teh haas" so memorable. Also, I'm heading to SXSW soon... That's right, Austin, Teh Hass. maybe I'll see you there? Maybe not?
Also, Pamona: thanks for all the good times! Your glasshouses have been good to me. Here's a weird bit of trivia that Andy told me. Romey and drew have both played in bands that opened for us at the glass house. Crazy! Also, Andy's first time shooting us (cameras not guns) was at the glass house side stage with romey's band fold zan. nice and creepy and nice!
In other news: So I've been supplementing my plane ride sodoku with crosswords. yeah, trying to get smart. I would be lying if I were not completely influenced by a movie called word play.
blacks was really fun this morning. I haven't surfed there in so long. good memories and sore legs.
I'm working on trying to finish sean/jon, summer, and the next SF record, I'll keep you posted if I move forward or backwards!
peace, jon
Sometimes, I wonder if Jon has ADHD... haha. But he's awesome like that!
In other news, "Oh! Gravity." went through a sales spike, according to AllAccesss.com's Streetpulse. Sales increased 62% over last week. This is an interesting development... considering the lack of any big news on the Switchfoot front. Not sure if this spike is significant or not.
Since there's nothing much going on in the Switchfoot world on this quiet Monday, I thought I'd use this post to express my undying love and affection for the song, "Lonely Nation."
It is hands-down one of the better Switchfoot songs, but was pulled from its scheduled release as a single by Sony... yeah, you know... the label Switchfoot USED to be on...
Anyways, here's a youtube video-reel lovefest for Lonely Nation, since I have nothing better to do. hah. Hope you allz enjoy it!
Most recently, from Kuala Lumpur (February 2, 2008)
Chicago Speedway (July 8, 2006)
Soma, San Diego (March 31, 2007)
(October 12, 2007)
A Spiderman 3 Montage of Lonely nation
And a Lonely Nation Montage (sure, we've posted this before, but it's still worthy of an encore appearance... and after, this is a Lonely Nation Love thread)