Don't forget, tonight at 5:30 PM PST, Switchfoot will be doing their live webcast on Ustream. Make sure to tune in!
Stereosubversion did another interview with Jon Foreman about Switchfoot, "Hello Hurricane," "Vice Verses," and Meatloaf! haha. Here's an excerpt:
SSv: I read an article that says you’ve recorded four albums worth of material for the Hurricane sessions. True?
Jon Foreman: Yeah, but I don’t know if anyone’s ever going to hear it all. [Laughs] We tracked a lot of songs – songs that I’m really proud of. But they’ll be like my college degree. I went to college for three years, but I didn’t graduate. It’s that fourth year that’s the hardest one, you know. The songs were at that stage where they need that little extra push over the top, but I don’t know that we’re going to go back in time to revisit them because there’s already another good batch of 20 that we already believe in. So the goal was to finish college, but I didn’t do that either. [Laughs]
SSv: So much is made of your prolific writing style and even when we’ve talked before, we’ve discussed the number of songs and ideas laying around. So does this mean there were more tangible ideas this time around or was that allusion to your prolific nature in general?
Jon: This time around, we actually chased a lot of ideas down. In the past, we wouldn’t have chased as many of them down. They would just be left as a seed for an idea for a song and left there, whereas this time, we really chased down a lot of the weirder ideas just because we wanted to. We wanted to find just how far we could stretch things, you know? And we had our own studio and all the time in the world to do it, so we just took advantage of it.
SSv: So what’s the balance there between wanting to push it and complete reinvention?
Jon: That became the topic of discussion halfway through the record as we had songs that were really industrial and mostly technology-driven songs that had very little human instrumentation. Then we had other songs that were very different on the other side. That became the topic wondering things like ‘Who is Switchfoot? Why do we make music? Why are there 12 songs on a record? What are the ones that you’re the most excited to play for the next 10 years?’
I think for us it came down to maybe more of a lyrical element than a cohesive musical statement. The lyrical statement is much more cohesive than the musical statement. I don’t know if it was Dolly Parton or who it was, but there’s a saying of ‘If you ain’t cryin’, then why are you singin’ it?’ That theme came to be something that felt true on this record. If it doesn’t break you up in some way, maybe you don’t really believe it. Maybe it’s not something worth singing about. Maybe it’s time to move on to something else. That was a crucial element for the song selection process on this record.
Read the entire interview HERE.
Jon tweeted that he's working with Fiction Family today and tomorrow on new tunes.
- tracking fiction family tunes today and tomorrow, first up: a tune called "against the wall" so amped!
Excitement ensues.
Also, Switchfoot is tracking new tunes at their Spot X studios!
- headed in to Spot X Studios to track some new tunes... JF
"Mess of Me" held strong yesterday at No. 45 on the chart, but the spins are steadily increasing. I'm smelling long-lasting chart runs, perhaps?
"Mess of Me" Chart News for October 9, 2009
(o) = same; no change
(+) = increase
(-) = decrease
S021 [Sirius Satellite Radio] 18 (o)
WBRU [Providence] 15 (o)
KBZT [San Diego] 12 (+1)
XTRA [San Diego] 12 (+1)
WZNE [Rochester] 12 (+1)
WWCD [Grove City] 10 (+10)
KFMA [Tucson] 10 (o)
WEND [Charlotte] 9 (o)
WEQX [Albany, NY] 7 (-2)
WGRD [New York] 7 (o)
WRFF [Philadelphia]
WVIC [Lansing]
CIMX [Detroit]
WLUM [Milwaukee]
WNNX [Atlanta]
KYSR [Los Angeles]
WBSX [Hazleton]
KCXX [Riverside]
KMYZ [Tulsa]
WYBB [Charleston] 10 (o)
WXQR 8 (+1)
WRXW [Jackson] 8 (-1)
WBUZ [Nashville] 7 (o)
WLZX [Springfield] 7 (o)
KZZQ [Salt Lake City]
WQXA [Harrisburg]
WIYY [Baltimore]
WIIL [Chicago]
KFRQ [McAllen]
WRXP 8 (-1)
Excercise those fingers, and keep voting for Switchfoot! We need to keep this ball rolling.
- Go vote for "Mess of Me" on RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted here. It is currently at 40.8%, still the majority of the votes. But we can't let that momentum slide. Make sure you vote every day.
- KROQ (Los Angeles) is one of the most influential rock stations in the country. When they add a song, several other stations across the country take notice and follow suit. We need to get "Mess of Me" on there, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends!

Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
We'll post more voting opportunities as they come up, so keep checking back every day.
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