Here is part 5 of the We're Awakening/LOBH tag-team "Hello Hurricane" review. For Part 1, go here, for Part 2, go here, for Part 3, go here, and for part 4, go here.
"Bullet Soul" (3.5/5)
Another solid rocker. It seems a bit misplaced, sandwiched between "Always" and "Yet," but it still doesn't interrupt the flow of the album too badly. The song's electric guitars are even more distorted on the studio cut than they are live.
The song has a solid guitar riff throughout, and the crunchiness of the electric guitars is classic Switchfoot. Lyrically, the song is ambiguous to me. Jon Foreman is also a little vague in his description of the lyrics, saying something along the lines of the fact that our lives are never bulletproof or clean-cut. There are some rough edges and frays. But other than that, I suppose the lyrics are left to the listener's interpretation.
It's an enjoyable song, and, as we have seen by a brief sampling, will translate over to the live stage well. I also predicted it would be on many a sports highlight reel, and it indeed has, being featured on ESPN College football games.
"Yet" (3/5)
Here's a "grower" song. In fact, the rest of the album from here on out will require several listeners to grasp. It will take a lot of people some time to wrap their heads around this one. When I first heard it on a recording of Jon's solo show in UCSD earlier this year, I wasn't impressed in the least. My thoughts ran something like, "Wow… if this is what the new album is going to sound like, I will be sorely disappointed."
But since it was a Switchfoot song after all, I gave it some time, and it really grew on me. The song doesn't require much from the listener besides a chance. I slowly began to really appreciate the lyrics as I listened to it more and more. This is "Hello Hurricane"'s answer to "The Blues," with even the same drum beat and tempo to match.
"If it doesn't break your heart is it love? If it doesn't break your hear it's not enough. It's when you're breaking down, with your insides coming out… it's when you find out what your heart is made of."
^Those are challenging lyrics. Jon and Tim Foreman have formed a habit of challenging people's insides with the words they write. Once listeners begin to grasp the lyrics and the sparseness of this song, it may become a favorite. For me, I will always compare this studio cut to that first raw acoustic version, which is, in my opinion, a much better performance than the studio version. The words seemed to flow a lot better live for some reason. But this song, by no means, can be considered "filler." It fits this album.
Bullet Soul - 4.5 out of 5
Bullet Soul is one of the most energetic tracks on the record, but I feel like where this song REALLY shines is in a live setting - that's when it comes alive and takes on a whole new energy. However, there is much to be said about the studio version. This is one of the "driving" tunes on the record - a full out musical assault. Again, Tim's backing vocals add an extra punch to the song, as does Drew's killer guitar work. I feel like Chad's, Tim's, Drew's and Jerome's contributions are a lot more evident throughout the course of this album, and especially so during this song.
Jon's vocals are also noteworthy, as his voice takes on a smooth, sultry tone during the verses, only to change to a hardened rock growl during the chorus as he screams out, "Are you ready to GO!?"
Lyrically, I don't think this song is as ambiguous as I first thought, though it may take a few listens to understand what Jon is saying. Switchfoot has always said that they make music for "thinking people", and I love that this song is going to force a thought process. Personally, I feel like this song is about attacking apathy and not letting personal fears, trials or pressures hold you back. I think it's a song about not just existing, but LIVING. "You can't stand by forever, you're a kid with the bullet soul, are you ready to go?" Now I haven't discussed this with Jon, so this is just my personal opinion, but I feel like Jon is encouraging those who stand on the sidelines to embrace the life that is within in them - the powerful "bullet" in their soul. "Ooo, I want to turn up the radiation, ooo I want to glow in the dark."
I'd be interested in hearing your guys' thoughts when you hear this song, but for now, that's what this song means to me.
Life is not passive. This song screams that message loud.
Yet - 5 out of 5
I take issue with the people who write off this song as boring. I personally find "Yet" to be one of the most fragile and personal tunes that the guys have ever created. This song is unrestrained with stripped down vulnerability. The quite strength and defiance of this song is evident as Jon sings in the chorus, "But you haven't lost me yet. No you haven't lost me yet. I'll run into my heart caves in. No you haven't lost me yet."
The emotion in Jon's voice is achingly compelling, and it's hard not to feel the pain that must have precipitated the writing of this song. "Yet" also includes some of my favorite lyrics; most notably in the bridge. "If it doesn't break your heart is it love? No if it doesn't break your heart it's not enough. It's when you're breaking down with your insides coming out, that's when you find out what your heart is made of, and you haven't lost me yet." I find the song to be everything you want in a ballad - heartbreaking, sincere, impassioned and stirring.
My only issue with the song has to do with the live version that we hears prior to this release. During the bridge, Jon sang "That's when you find out what your heart is made UP of." It seems ridiculous to nit-pick over a single word, but that "up" added a beautiful, soulful tone to the bridge that is somewhat lacking in the studio recording.
Still, even without the "up", this track is one of my favorites on the album and one of Switchfoot's best ballads.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
We're Awakening and Land of Broken Hearts Collab: "Hello Hurricane" Review Part 5
Posted by
6:52 PM
Labels: Exclusives, Reviews
Yahoo "Live from the Eye of the Hurricane"
Check this out. Yahoo has four live videos of the Switchfoot boys performing songs from "Hello Hurricane." These will also be on the Making of Hello Hurricane dvd. Go here to see performances of "Mess of Me," "Bullet Soul," "This Is the Sound," and "Hello Hurricane."
New Drewcast, from before their show at a football game in Tampa last night!
Am I football material...?
According to their blog, Air1 will be playing both Switchfoot singles:
2 NEW tunes from SWITCHFOOT - “Always” and “Mess of Me”! (Both songs are off their new album “Hello Hurricane” out on Nov. 10)
And, check out these hi-quality photos, once again, courtesy of LOBH.

Posted by
4:00 PM
Friday, October 30, 2009
We're Awakening and Land of Broken Hearts Collab: "Hello Hurricane" Review Part 4
Here is part 4 of the We're Awakening/LOBH tag-team "Hello Hurricane" review. For Part 1, go here, for Part 2, go here, for Part 3, go here.
"Hello Hurricane" (4/5)
The title track will always be a sentimental favorite, since it was the very first finished material any one of us heard from the new record. (Remember when the guys played it over the PA system after the Visalia show?) When I first heard it earlier this year, I was struck by the seemingly contradictory energy and laid-back feel of the song –– it felt both intense and brooding, yet bright, hopeful, and relaxed. Credit the surfer boys from San Diego for pulling this off.
The song is melodic. The oohs during the intro are echoey and expansive; the verse's melodies are enthralling and engaging. Jon's vocals are complimented very well by Tim's steady baseline and Chad's peppy drumming. The mandolin during the intro doesn't sound as campy as the idea would suggest.
It all fits together in a nice, well-written piece of pop rock. It has the indie rock feel, particularly with the oooo's at the beginning of the song, but preserves a very accessible sensibility as well. It's messages of hope against the storms of life are universal – this is the most straight-forwardly positive song on the record, in the exact same vein as "Meant to Live."
"Hello Hurricane, you're not enough… you can't silence my love."
"Always" (3.5/5 [Album Version])) (4.5/5 [Radio Edit])
(Album Version)
This is the part of the album that left me scratching my head. Where did the boys go wrong on this one? It's arguably, potentially, one of their most moving songs on this album, but it doesn't quite reach the apex. This one felt tragically unfinished, and it feels like it was put together rather haphazardly. It has its high points though, no doubt.
The bridge still sounds just as incredible as it did in the preview clips from tour. My only gripe is that Chad's drumming, while just as solid as ever, sounded underproduced and undermixed. If there's a way to sum this song up in one concise statement, it'd be that this song sounds like an unfinished demo with mad potential.
(Radio Edit)
Now, I'm sure the guys recognized these issues in post-production, so they signed on with Rob Cavallo to re-work the tune and prepare it for radio. The results are nothing short of extraordinary.
Where the album version failed, this radio edit succeeded big time. Cavallo helped Switchfoot by first putting a glossy sheen over top of the entire song, smoothening out the rough edges and taking care of the rawness that shouldn't necessarily find a place on a song like this. Additional instrumentation overall gave this song a more finished, produced feel. For that alone, this song makes a jump on the quality scale.
What really made this song is the brand new instrumental interlude before the bridge, where Cavallo's years with Green Day seem to come through. It has a sweet, simple guitar solo that gives the impression of space for the electric guitar, yet doesn't come across as overbearing or intrusive to the mood of the song. In fact, the mood is enhanced by it. Another pleasant and welcome surprise is the addition of harmonies from the "hallelujah's" on towards the end of the song.
For this, I consider the song's potential realized. Will it make it onto final copies of "Hello Hurricane?" I hope so, but doubt it. It would be a tragedy if this version isn't released for purchase in one form or another.
Hello Hurricane - 4 out of 5
I have a slightly bipolar relationship with this song. First I love it. Then I think it's bland. Then I think I was too harsh and I love it again. Then I think I wasn't that harsh at all and it really IS kind of bland. Then I love it again.
I guess I'll just say that while I'm not sold on this song, I have a feeling it might be a "grower" - one of those tunes that you start out not being fond of, but 2 months down the road, it's your favorite track on the album.
Hello Hurricane is a very lighthearted, strong song with a punchy beat and a great drive. I love the defiance of the lyrics... "Hello Hurricane, you're not enough! Hello hurricane, you can't silence my love." It's a very honest song; straightforward without many hidden meanings. It's bold and brash and above all, encouraging. The message of standing strong is beautiful expressed. "I'm a fighter fighting for control, I'm a fighter fighting for my soul, everything inside of me surrenders, you can't silence my love."
On another note, I absolutely dig Tim's backing vocals during the final chorus.
Overall, it's a great tune, and I think I'll be blaring this one in the car with the windows down.
Always - 3.5/4 out of 5
Always. I'm so torn when it comes to this song. I had a really hard time deciding what to rate this tune, partially because I hate rating any Switchfoot song less that 4.5 stars (I'm biased. I know it. I freely admit to it.) and partly because I feel the bridge is this song's salvation.
So what's my "issue" with this song? Let me ask you a question first... do you ever get that feeling where you know something is missing but you just can't put your finger on it? That's my problem here. This song has so much potential it's insane... and yet... the song never seems to take off. It frustrates me because I do truly love this song and I feel like it has the potential to be heartbreakingly epic. But it never seems to reach that climatic moment.
However, on the plus side, the lyrics are incredibly heartfelt. "These are the scars deep in your heart, this is the place you were born. And this is the hole, where most of your soul comes ripping out from the places you've been torn." Words like that need a lush, full background to underscore their power.
I can't say enough about the bridge. The emotive force with which Jon's cries out "Hallelujah! I'm caving in! Hallelujah! I'm in love again! Hallelujah! I'm a wretched man. Hallelujah! Every breath is a second chance! And it is always, always yours!" is absolutely breathtaking. And just when you think it can't get more beautiful... a chorus of "Always" take over the background in a beautiful melody. I can easily see the crowd joining in on that part at concerts, singing at the top of their lungs.
Now, I'm not going to review the radio edit, but I WILL say this... I feel like it fixed all the issues that I had with the album version and I sincerely hope it somehow BECOMES the new album version.
Though I would like it if they left the whimsical exchange between the Brothers Foreman at the end of the studio version of the song. Tim: "Eheheh! You can't do spanish." Jon: *chortle* "I think it's Italian."
Posted by
11:39 AM
Labels: Exclusives, Reviews
Relevant Magazine Screen Caps
Thanks Matt from the official message boards.
As you all know, Switchfoot was featured prominently in the latest Relevant Magazine issue, and now, thanks to Matt, we have screen caps! It's a very good article... Hope you enjoy it:
----- did an interview with Drew Shirley and Jerome Fontamillas from Switchfoot. Check it out:
1. You guys always seem to be pushing yourselves musically with every album and it’s refreshing to see. Now you’ve mentioned having 4 albums coming out within the next 4 years (a tentative time frame I take it). How are you guys going to do this while still having a fresh sound with every album?
Jerome: We always challenge ourselves to push the envelope of creativity on each album we do. We leave the songs in the cutting floor for each band member to dissect and come up with ideas we believe will make the song the best it can be. We hope the fresh sound of an album will come by us constantly trying to make the songs better and by really pushing ourselves to make the best albums we can.
2. Have you guys ever given thought to doing a concept album of some sort, especially now that you have full creative freedom?
Drew: Well, as far as doing a concept album goes, we have talked about it, but the timing has never been right. We tend to have an abundance of songs written and then look for a “thread” that will tie an album full of them together. Sometimes it is musical in nature, sometimes, style or lyrical. On this current album Hello Hurricane, we asked ourselves which songs would you want to die singing? As in, which songs do we believe have the most soul and honestly.
Read the rest of it here!
Switchfoot tweeted yesterday that they were doing a TV taping tomorrow:
- Doing a tv taping right now... we look way different on camera... weird. -tf

"Mess of Me" has now surpassed "Oh! Gravity." in success on the Billboard Alternative/Modern Rock charts.
It is now camping at No. 34 and going strong! Congrats to the Switchfoot boys!
Don't forget to keep voting!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 We cracked the Top 8 last night!! but we need to continue to put pressure on. VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown "Mess of Me" was no. 1 again! Great job friends!! Keep requesting each day to keep it there!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We have regained the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS.

Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
Posted by
8:00 AM
Labels: Charts, In the News, Interviews, Milestones
Thursday, October 29, 2009
We're Awakening and Land of Broken Hearts Collab: "Hello Hurricane" Review Part 3
Here is part 3 of the We're Awakening/LOBH tag-team "Hello Hurricane" review. For Part 1, go here and for Part 2, go here.
"Enough to Let Me Go" (4.5/5)
Before I go into an objective review, I do have to say that I developed quite an emotional attachment to this song. My friend Corey Vidal streamed it over AIM one time for me, and I thought it was a chill, relaxing pop song.
I didn't hear of it again until the previews emerged. After listening to the 30 second clip, I realized then that I was in love with the song –– a lot. Yeah… I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it, but hey. Whatever. :P
Now, to review the song. It's beautiful. It feels aching. It has resonance with me personally –– love is never easy. Sure, two people in love means they will probably do whatever it takes to spend time together… but many times, that love needs time to grow on its own. Jon and Tim touch on lyrical matter that is rarely ever covered in pop culture today, and I think it's timely and relevant.
"Do you love me enough to let me go? To let me follow through, let me fall for you my love. Do you love me enough to let me go?"
Perhaps love isn't about clinging to things. Perhaps truly loving someone is setting enough of yourself aside to let the other person go. Compelling.
Musically, the chiming guitar lick is as optimistic as it is mournful. It is an emotional paradox, and it is beautiful.
"Free" (5/5)
This is a song I wasn't sold on until I heard the bridge on the studio version. Sure, the vocal acrobatics of Jon Foreman during the verse is intense and spectacular, but hearing the song in full acoustic mode, I felt like the song left much to be desired. Perhaps it was the dropped D tuning and the subdued vocals, but it wasn't cutting it for me.
But, thanks to the incredible bridge of the studio version, I am convinced this is one of the strongest songs on the record. If you thought "Mess of Me"'s "aint no drug" bridge was intense, wait until you listen to the "broken, open!" part of "Free." It feels like you are being lifted by Jon's voice into the heavens. Unbelievably anthemic.
After all this, the song brings you back down to earth, as if to say that the heavens are waiting, but for now, we are still waiting to be set free.
"Free! Come set me free… down on my knees, I still believe you could save me from me!" Of all the rock songs on this album, I would have to say "Free" is the strongest, in comparison to "The Sound" and "Mess of Me." This needs to be a single somewhere.
Enough To Let Me Go - 5 out of 5
This song means a lot to me for a number of reasons and it's become one of my favorite tunes on Hello Hurricane. However, this song IS different. For those who have read the lyrics, but haven't heard any clips, this song might come as a bit of a surprise. "Enough" is a paradox. The lyrics are serious and a little bit dark, but the music is quirky, catchy and infectious. In theory, these two contrasting elements should not be able to work together without creating some form of chaos. But for whatever reason, that doesn't happen here. It's an oddity that actually works. New listeners might initially struggle with the dissimilarity, but if you give it time, this song will win you over.
"Enough To Let Me Go" is also one of my favorites lyrically. The emotions that Jon expresses throughout this song are so incredibly real and heartfelt, the listener can't help but grab hold and take them personally. This subject matter is incredibly challenging, as the song asks the questions that most of us want to shy away from... "Do you love me enough to let me go?" That type of voluntary surrender is excruciating. "But every seed dies before it grows, do you love me enough to let me go? To let me follow through, to let me fall for you, my love." I really want to quote the whole song here, because the lyrics are so impeccable I want them to do my talking (typing?) for me. From verse to chorus to verse, the writing never falters.
Again, there is a current of hope that runs through the song. Perhaps it's the romantic side of my feminine psyche coming out, but I simply love the lines, "Back from the dead of winter, back from the dead and all our leaves are dry, you’re so beautiful, tonight."
Vocally, Jon's voice is alternatively strong, emotional and fragile... I love when he hits the high notes about 3/4 of the way through the song, crying, "Breathe it in, and let it go. Every breath you take is not yours to own, it's not yours to hold."
Free - 5 out of 5
Free is EPIC.
The end.
I could end this review with that. I feel like this song is one of Switchfoot's finest works. The beat is incredible. The guitars crunch with a melodic dissonance that storms through your head like a battle cry. The passion in this song is virtually unmatchable. In searching for the perfect adjective to describe this song, I did a thesaurus search on "aggressive." I came across the word "combative" and I think that fits. The lyrics, the music, the timing... this song is eager to fight.
Judging by the emotions and complete fervor that Jon sings the words with, I feel like this song connects with him deeply. Every word is absolutely saturated in passion. In talking about the songs on this album Jon said, "If you don't believe it, with every ounce of you, then there's no point in singing it." I feel like that philosophy was strongly enacted here. Jon BELIEVES this song. And he makes you believe it too.
I think this is most clearly demonstrated near the end of the song, where Jon begins to sing, his voice rising with each passing second, "I had a dream that my chains were broken, broken, broken open! FREE! Come set me free! Down on my knees, I still believe you could save me from me."
The plea is undeniable and this song is unshakeable.
Posted by
7:30 AM
Labels: Exclusives, Reviews
Hear the radio edit of "Always" on AOL Radio!; new Switchfoot Youtube Channel
We are finally starting to hear info from the EMI CMG side of things for "Hello Hurricane!" Check out this blog from AOL radio about "Always" and then, head over to listen to it!
Switchfoot's 'Always,' is one of the two lead singles (the other 'Mess of Me') off their seventh studio album 'Hello Hurricane,' set to release Nov. 10. The song was written by lead vocalist Jon Foreman -- record producers Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Goo Goo Dolls) and Mike Elizondo (Fiona Apple, Alanis Morissette) also collaborated on this single. A piano-led tune, the breathtaking song starts out with Jon on piano with Tim Foreman on bass guitar, followed by Chad Butler's heavy drums in the second verse. Be sure to listen to their new single -- with 'Dare You to Move' similarities -- on AOL Radio's Top Christian station.
SWEET, right? So head over here to listen to the Christian station. You have to scroll through it awhile, but you'll eventually find it. If you don't, and reach your limit, you can always clear your cookies and keep going!
I scrolled through a few songs and found it. Let me tell you, it is different from the album version. It has more epic sweep, an actual instrumental interlude, and a shorter oo's bridge. I LOVE it, and shored up all the things the album version lacked. Be sure to listen up to it!
UPDATE (1:46 AM PAST): I got a recording of it! It sounds really good... should I share? ;)
There's also a new Switchfoot Email. Here it is in full:
Dear Amigos -
NEW Switchfoot website and album preview
We are incredibly pleased to announce that we have launched our new website, which you can find at In addition to the new site, we are going to be previewing album clips from HELLO HURRICANE over the next 12 days, starting today with a preview of "Needle And Haystack Life". Log on, check out the songs, and let us know what you think. We are very happy that we can share them with you.
NEW youtube channel and "Mess of Me" video premiere
We have launched a new youtube channel at We need you to "subscribe" to this channel, because starting next Monday (Nov 2) we will be posting all our video content to this channel. We are also going to premiere our new video for "Mess of Me", which we can't wait to share with you. You have seen the 1st edit, now get ready for the final version.
Buy "The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues)" on ITUNES now
"The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues)" is now available on ITUNES. Click on this link to purchase.
Get tix to see Switchfoot on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Attention Switchfoot fans in Southern California! Click here to get FREE tickets to see Switchfoot's outdoor performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Nov 13 in Los Angeles, CA.
Hello Hurricane Fall Tour - Onsale NOW
The HELLO HURRICANE FALL TOUR is onsale now! We are heading to some of our favorite venues across the country as "An Evening with Switchfoot." We will be playing Hello Hurricane from start to finish, as well as some of our favorite songs from our past albums and a few surprises!
These shows are ON SALE NOW (Click on Venue Name to Purchase tickets):
11/8 El Cajon (San Diego), CA 7th Anniversary 94.9 Bash - East County Performing Arts Center
11/11 West Hollywood, CA The Roxy Theatre
11/13 Scottsdale, AZ Martini Ranch
11/14 Tucson, AZ The Rock
11/16 Oklahoma City, OK Diamond Ballroom
11/17 Dallas, TX House of Blues
11/18 Austin, TX The Parish
11/20 Houston, TX Warehouse Live
11/21 New Orleans, LA Parish @ House of Blues
11/22 Nashville, TN Exit In
11/24 Atlanta, GA The Loft at Center Stage
11/27 Anaheim, CA House of Blues
11/28 Ventura, CA Majestic Ventura Theater
12/3 Charlotte, NC Amos' Southend
12/4 Asheville, NC The Orange Peel (JUST ADDED!)
12/5 Richmond, VA WDYL Snowball @ The National
12/7 Baltimore, MD Rams Head Live
12/8 New York, NY The Fillmore Irving Plaza
12/9 Boston, MA Paradise Rock Club
**support will be added
In order to receive HELLO HURRICANE on Nov 10th, you need to preorder BY FRIDAY OCTOBER 30TH. Also, there is only a limited # of The Collector's Edition, so make sure to preorder now! There are 5 different ways to buy HELLO HURRICANE, and no matter which option you choose, you immediately receive the following FREE:
1. Mp3 download of "Mess Of Me"
2. Mess Of Me (live in studio video)
3. Oh! Gravity (video from upcoming live DVD)
4. Meant To Live (video from upcoming live DVD)
5. Stars (video from upcoming live DVD)
Click here to learn more about the preorder.
As always, thanks for listening, and Hello Hurricane!
- Tim, Chad, Jon, Jerome and Drew
I know we've all now read the email, but as a fellow Switchfoot fan, I'd like to remind and urge you all to help with the transition to the new Youtube channel by SUBSCRIBING.
Youtube is a very important avenue for promotion, and if you'll notice, this new Switchfoot channel has over 41,000 subscribers (THANK YOU SONY), significantly more than the switchfootpodcast one had. This will definitely give the upcoming new Switchfoot videos a boost every time they are posted, and will help us significantly when the official "Mess of Me" video debuts there on Monday.
So please, take some time to head on over and subscribe, add to the count, and be ready to promote Switchfoot like crazy. This will be awesome!
"Mess of Me" holds at No. 38 on the Alternative Rock charts.
Keep it up friends! For motivation, go here. hehe...
Anyways, we need to keep the heat on. "Hello Hurricane" drops in a little over 11 days! Let's give it a huge promotional push!
- Take some time to rate, comment, and share the new video for the Blackberry Storm, with features "The Sound" and clips from the official "Mess of Me" video on it. We've posted it on the sidebar, and it's gotten over 39,000 hits in just one day. That's impressive!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 We still haven't cracked it, but we need to put pressure on. VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown "Mess of Me" was no. 1 again! Great job friends!! Keep requesting each day to keep it there!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We have regained the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS.

Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
Posted by
3:25 AM
Labels: Charts, Official News, Single Releases
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We're Awakening and Land of Broken Hearts Collab: "Hello Hurricane" Review Part 2
Here is part 2 of the We're Awakening/LOBH tag-team "Hello Hurricane" review. For Part 1, go here.
"Your Love Is a Song" (5/5)
"Ooh, your love is a symphony, all around me…"
With these words, this song will capture the listener's imagination and pull them in. "Your Love Is a Song" is as close to a sure-fire pop hit as Switchfoot has come in years. It is gorgeously arranged, navigating the perfect balance between acoustic ear candy and pulsating semi-distorted guitars.
The song begins with a synth-driven wall of sound that is taken from any proven rapper's handbook (it's hard to explain, you'll understand when you hear it). This gives way to a full-blown instrumental intro, the same as what you hear on the first "Hello Hurricane" trailer, before Jon Foreman's surprisingly frail vocal steps in.
It later gives way to his familiar open wail, Jon desperately crying out during the chorus. Drew's perfectly placed guitar melody licks absolutely MAKE the instrumental portion of this song.
If you were forced to tab a song as the next "Dare You to Move," this song is IT. I struggle to find a more moving, beautiful Switchfoot ballad than this one, certainly on this album, but also on "Oh! Gravity." and even "Nothing Is Sound." I would say "The Shadow Proves the Sunshine" still bests this, but the two are so different stylistically it would almost be a moot point to compare… but I digress. It's a great song, a definite highlight on the album, and will be stuck in your head for hours, if not days.
"The Sound (John M. Perkins Blues)" (4/5)
The album quickly and swiftly, almost abruptly, shifts back into pure rock mode, with "The Sound." I would describe the opening riff as a distantly related cousin to the one found on "Bodysnatchers" by Radiohead. But that is where the similarities end. This is no subtle, artsy number –– it's a full-blown, fist-pumping rocker.
Tim Foreman and Chad Butler drive this one starting from the intro to the verse. It's reminiscent in style to "Lonely Nation," where the two rhythm masters from Switchfoot also take charge.
The chorus is simply intense, with the guitarists taking the center stage along with the gang vocals. It makes the hard-charging verse and pumping intro feel quaint at best; needless to say, Jon and co. aren't afraid to let it out for this song.
"This is the SOUND! of a heartbeat, this is the SOUND!" they cry.
Oftentimes, what can be lost with such rock songs is the lyrical content. That being said, "The Sound" may be one of the more challenging songs on the album.
It is essentially a paraphrase of what John M. Perkins said in his book, "Let Justice Roll Down," which Jon has read. In it, Perkins, a civil rights movement advocate, says that America is a haunted nation; the evils and hatred of the past run deep within her veins, running through the streets.
"Our stream of conscience flows, under the streets below"
And yet, despite all of that, Perkins (and Switchfoot) argue that there is a sound, louder than the static hatred: Love.
"John Perkins said it right… Love is the final fight… There is no sound louder than Love."
It's a hopeful tune and rocks as hard as any Switchfoot song has rocked in their 13 years of existence. I foresee this one becoming a fan favorite, once everyone starts to learn it. It has that live energy that is just evident, even in a studio recording.
Your Love Is A Song - 5 out of 5
Jon has stated that this song is the conclusion to a trilogy of sorts - "Let Your Love Be Strong", "Your Love Is Strong", "Your Love Is A Song." So, in preparation for this review, I decided to listen to the three songs in sequence, to more fully understand where this particular song is coming from. Without sounding too corny, I guess I'd label the three songs as follows: A plea; A prayer; A promise. All the ideas, struggles and pain that Jon explored on the previous installments are touched on here, but the approach is completely different. I feel like this song, above all, is a song of hope. "Oh your love is a symphony, all around me, running through me. Oh your love is a melody, underneath me, running to me, oh your love is a song." There's no doubt in the chorus. No anguished plea. Just a simple, bold and beautiful statement. As I listen to the album, I keep catching onto a running theme: holding on. Holding onto hope desperately with all that you have, even when life is crashing around you and everything seems utterly lost. I sense that theme strongly throughout the course of this song. "I've got my eyes wide open, I've been keeping my hopes unbroken."
Lyrically, this song simply soars. The music and lyrics together become a journey that sweeps you along and leaving you with an oddly voyeuristic feeling. Personally, I feel this is the most "beautiful" and accessible song Switchfoot has ever created. The emotion and music will simply not leave your mind.
I predict people are going to fall in love with this song... and fall hard.
The Sound (John M. Perkins Blues) - 5 out of 5
This song has become one of my favorite tunes on the record, and I think I have to give Tim the credit for that one. For me, his backing vocals in the chorus just MAKE this song. If you watch a live performance of "The Sound", you'll notice it's Tim's vocals that give this song that extra jolt of energy and drive. Another person I need to champion would be Chad. His drumming on this album has reached a whole new level. I normally don't hear the drums on albums... to me they're an intrinsic part of the music, but not something that I ever notice separately. However, as I play the CD, I find myself listening for the drums, trying to tune everything else out and focus solely on them. Chad has managed to capture a tangible energy and life into his beats, and it grabs (and holds!) your attention.
Lyrically, this is another Foreman masterpiece. A song that gets your blood flowing with it's pulsing and pounding music. The lyrics are gripping. "The static comes in slow, You can feel it grow, Our stream of conscience flows, Under the streets below..." I find that visual to be brilliant.
Besides Tim's vocals, my favorite part of this song is the pause right after the second chorus... everything stills but in the background, you hear something start to slowly build... building... building... then "DOWN!" Jon screams out.
Posted by
10:48 AM
Labels: Exclusives, Hello Hurricane Review
UPDATE (10:47 am PST):
Check out the Verizon Blackberry Storm commercial featuring....
"The Sound!"
----- has gone through a makeover!
Check it out. I'd say it looks pretty cool, huh? It now features the new "Hello Hurricane" colors, along with some key new features.
There is a new portion on the site, and features new pictures, including some we've never seen before from the desert photo shoot!
See the rest here!
^It looks pretty awesome. Thoughts?
Be sure to check back later today for Part 2 of the LOBH/We're Awakening collaborative review of "Hello Hurricane!"
"Mess of Me" fell a spot to No. 38 on the Alternative Rock charts! Be sure to request the song at your radio station to help it back up!
Keep it up friends! For motivation, go here. hehe...
Anyways, we need to keep the heat on. "Hello Hurricane" drops in a little over 12 days! Let's give it a huge promotional push. Go Switchfoot fans!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 We still haven't cracked it, but we need to put pressure on. VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown "Mess of Me" was no. 1! Great job friends!! Keep requesting each day to keep it there!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We have regained the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS.
Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
Posted by
1:36 AM
Labels: Charts, Official News
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
"The Sound" is available on iTunes, Amazon, Walmart, etc.!
- Please read Part 1 of our review of "Hello Hurricane" with LOBH here!
- Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the latest press release for some very, very exciting Switchfoot news here!
"The Sound (John M. Perkins Blues)" single is now available. Be sure to pick it up at your favorite digital outlet.
Under iTunes "New Singles":
On the iTunes "Alternative Singles Charts":
The Roxy Theatre posted a blog about Switchfoot, who will be rolling through on one of their stops during the "Hello Hurricane" tour.
Read the blog here.
Here is the review for "Oh! Gravity." from
Overall: This is another one of those albums that took some time to grow on me until it became my favorite Switchfoot album. It is far easier to get into than Nothing Is Sound with all of its anthems and brilliant guitar playing, but it still took awhile for me to absorb everything going on. Often the songs have so many layers of instruments and sounds that it’s impossible to get it all on the first few spins. Switchfoot’s trademark lyrical depth is all still here to go along with the fantastic musicianship to make their second classic album in as many years.
^read the rest here.
"Mess of Me" still holds at No. 37 on the Alternative charts.
Keep it up friends. If you haven't already, please read my semi-motivational, lame, speech from the other day here. hehe...
Anyways, we need to keep the heat on. "Hello Hurricane" drops in a little over 13 days! Let's give it a huge promotional push. Go Switchfoot fans!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown "Mess of Me" is no. 2! Push it to the top!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We have regained the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS.

Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
Posted by
1:43 PM
Labels: Charts, In the News, Single Releases
We're Awakening and Land of Broken Hearts Collab: "Hello Hurricane" Review Part 1
That's right, folks! Land of Broken Hearts and We're Awakening! are teaming up for a special, exclusive, Switchfoot-fan-filled collaboration to review the new "Hello Hurricane" record! Our friend Jeanna from LOBH and I will be presenting our reviews of the new songs, two a day, until the album premieres on Myspace next week. Should be fun, savvy? So without further ado, I present you with Part 1 of the LOBH/WA! "Hello Hurricane" review.
"Hello Hurricane."
Music is a journey. I often liken it to movement – movement is impossible without a purpose, or even an irritant; without it, it can't even be at all.
Switchfoot has always been that band for me that played its music with a purpose; they don't mail it in, just to get to the top of the charts. They're a band that lets the music speak for itself. It may sound a little obscure or general to say that Switchfoot is the epitome of what great musicians these days should be, but if anything, they're pretty close. They sing with passion, strum with gusto, and smash with intensity.
"Hello Hurricane" embodies the essence of that passion. It's that punk rock ethic that got them where they are today; "The Beautiful Letdown" wasn't an overnight hit. It's the passion and desire for the music to speak timeless truths to people that propels this band to greatness each day. It's the requirement that their own souls need to be soaring before delivering it to their audience.
Here, my friends, is a love offering. None of us will ever know how difficult or strenuous the process was for this album. What we do know and can appreciate is that this is Switchfoot in its essence, and that this was the hardest record for them to ever make. It's a really great album, and I feel unworthy to even review or critique this album, but here's my humble attempt to do so. Hope you like it!
"Hello Hurricane" Review, Part 1:
"Needle and Haystack Life"(5/5)
This is one of the better songs on the record, if not the best. The spacious guitar intro really gives the listener a wide visual canvas. The best way I can personally describe it is that it evokes images of falling water in outer space somewhere.
After the "waterfall" of sound, the song enters the verse, where the atmospherics are replaced with a stripped-down beat. The drum machine really provides contrast to the full-band intro.
Vocally, this song is diverse. Jon sings the low octave during the verse, and appropriately so, the lyrics introduce the album by saying "the world begins, with newborn skin, we are right now."
The song then begins to build during the pre-chorus, where Jon's voice also starts to rise in tone. He sings "You're breathing in, the highs and lows… we call it living!" before launching into the exultant chorus.
"In this needle and haystack life, I've found miracles there in your eyes."
There's enough atmospheric pull on this song to lift anyone's spirits. I definitely felt goosebumps, as well as a tingling down my spine.
You all will love this track.
"Mess of Me" (4/5)
The first single. The rocker of the album. The most aggressive Switchfoot song to date. All these phrases can be used to describe "Mess of Me," the second track on "Hello Hurricane." The first time I heard this song, way back in the summer, I thought it was a solid, catchy number, with the hooky riffs to go along with it. I was especially impressed by Jon Foreman's soaring vocals on the bridge, when he belted out "there aint no draaauuuuggg," desperately and emotively. Not often before has Jon stretched his voice to those limits.
When I first took a listen to the studio cut of this song (about a couple months ago, at this point), I was surprised by the rawness of the guitar fuzz. It hearkened back to the days of old when the band tracked their tunes without the modern amenities a major label would have afforded them –– but this was a beefier crunch than those earlier days.
The opening bursts of guitar sound eventually give way to Jon's bluesy vocals, which remind one of a '60's garage rock song. He and the rest of the band then launches into a rousing chorus, filled with enough distorted guitars to make Foo Fighters fans happy.
Switchfoot fans will undoubtedly be happy, especially my fellow "Nothing Is Sound" fans.
Hello Hurricane - A REVIEW
The very first time I heard this album, it was a pleasant summer evening in late July. I was sitting on a folding table in a tent, playing the album on Chad's iphone, surrounded by the five guys who poured their heart and souls into this piece of music. One headphone in. One headphone out. Trying to keep up with the conversation and take in the album at the same time. Music, thoughts, emotions and ideas swirled through my head, as we all laughed and talked about every random topic under the sun. I went away from that experience with a few dim memories of the songs and the album as a whole... vague impressions that I tried desperately to keep in my mind to replay later.
The main thought that I took away from that initial listen was that this album absolutely BURNED with smoldering energy. It was very, VERY intense emotionally. It was an emotional assault that didn't let up. Not once.
That first impression was dead on.
Hello Hurricane IS a storm. A storm of emotions. This album, more than any that Switchfoot has done, is an album that's trying to rip you apart.
I think it accomplished it's goal.
Sometimes it's difficult for me to review Switchfoot's music. These songs mean so much to me and I have a hard time stepping back and being objective. I tend to get "flowery" or overly poetic. I've found that my first impressions are often the most honest, so as I was listening to this album again, on a sunny October day, from the comfort of my home, on my own computer, I tried to scribble down some initial reactions so that I could maintain the integrity of my original thoughts.
I hope I was able to accomplish that and I hope you enjoy these reviews!
Needle And Haystack Life - 4 1/2 out of 5
I have a soft spot in my heart for the opening guitar riff of this song, partially because the guys are just so dang excited about it... as they should be. If you ever get a chance, ask Drew how he created that sound. It's a neat little story and it really makes you appreciate the musicianship and creativity the guys put into crafting these songs. It's a great way to start the record out... a subtle, majestic hint about what is to come.
This song is a fabulous album opener... it's sweeping, uplifting and it builds strongly to a soaring crescendo as Jon sings with passion, "It's no accident we're here tonight, we are once in a lifetime, alive!" The ending is abrupt and almost a little breathless, leaving your head spinning while you try to comprehend what just happened. It's a beautiful, hopeful song, full of plaintive lyrics and vocals.
I've heard some fans express worries, based on the previews, that this sound might sound a little "whiney" but let me assure you - those fears are completely unfounded. This song is full of emotion, for sure, but not once does it come across as whiney.
A perfect way to start this album.
Mess of Me - 5 out of 5
Ah Mess of Me. I LOVE Switchfoot's aggressive side and this song is a perfect canister to showcase that side of our favorite San Diego rockers. Jon's vocals in this song absolutely MAKE the tune for me... whether he's growling out the lyrics to the chorus or crying out "There ain't no drug!", his voice is spot on. One thing I noticed about this album is that Jon's voice carries an incredible amount of emotion throughout every single song. I've long since ceased trying to figure out how he does it, and instead, I simply enjoy the emotion as it comes. The emotion in this song is full of passion and an almost... defiance? A defiance against the norm. A battle cry to fight the cages of our modern culture and "spend the rest of my life alive."
I could rave for a couple more paragraphs (at least) about the bridge of this song. THAT BRIDGE is what people are going to walk away with. That's the bridge that's going to be running through their heads throughout the day. The musicianship underscores Jon's soaring vocals perfectly. This song is pounding, aggressive and intense. I guess if the album itself is a storm, then this is the... thunder?
Posted by
5:30 AM
Labels: Exclusives, Hello Hurricane Review, Reviews
Monday, October 26, 2009
Switchfoot collect donations during the "Hello Hurricane" tour; launching The World You Want; "The Sound" to feature on Blackberry campaign; and more
Official press release from Marketwire and JFH (bold added)
Also, thanks LOBH for the tip!
NEWS SOURCE: Hoganson Media and Marketwire
October 26, 2009
SWITCHFOOT will kick off its fall headlining tour in San Diego on November 8 for 94.9’s Anniversary Bash. The band will then appear on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” performing on the outside stage on November 12th.
The tour will feature SWITCHFOOT playing Hello Hurricane in its entirety, followed by fan favorites from its previous records. The band will be collecting donations for local food banks along the tour route, so fans are encouraged to bring non-perishable items to the concerts. (See below for tour itinerary and a list of food banks that will receive donations.)
SWITCHFOOT is also launching a new website,, which will spotlight goodness, beauty, and truth in everyday life. Fans are invited to contribute stories about people they know who are making this world a better place. The band will read some of these contributions from stage during the tour.
Recorded with producer/bassist Mike Elizondo (Rilo Kiley, Eminem, and Pink), Hello Hurricane is the group’s seventh full-length album and its first on Atlantic Records. Lead single “Mess of Me” is getting airplay at Modern and Active Rock radio stations and is climbing the Modern Rock radio chart. “The Sound,” another track from the album, has been tapped by Verizon Wireless for its national ad campaign for the BlackBerry® Storm™ 2.
Fans who pre-order Hello Hurricane will immediately receive a free download of “Mess of Me” and four videos. They have five pre-order options to choose from: the standard CD edition; deluxe CD/DVD edition with approximately 60 minutes of behind-the-scenes footage and studio performances; vinyl with CD; the Collector’s edition (Hello Hurricane CD, deluxe DVD, an additional CD with studio outtakes and more, limited edition poster and 84-page hardcover book); and the digital download edition. The deluxe CD/DVD and Collector’s edition are also available at Christian retailers nationwide. For additional information or to pre-order, visit ITunes or the band’s web site Fans can also enter to win a “flyaway” contest through the WAY-FM radio network to meet and surf with the band in San Diego. For more details, visit
At the end of October, SWITCHFOOT – comprised of Jon Foreman (vocals/guitar), Tim Foreman (bass), Chad Butler (drums), Jerome Fontamillas (keys/guitar) and Drew Shirley (guitar) – will take the stage for Yahoo! Music’s new live concert program, “Maximum Performance Guitar Hero 5.” Jon and Chad will be featured in an upcoming episode of “Road Trip Nation” airing on PBS stations in November. Check local listings or watch the episode at anytime after its November 5th debut on KLCS TV in Los Angeles and Orange County. MySpace will premiere Hello Hurricane the week before its release and the band will be interviewed on “The MySpace Music Feed” on Monday, November 9th.
SWITCHFOOT is the subject of an upcoming Rolling Stone “In the Studio” feature and will be on the cover of Relevant Magazine’s November/ December issue. Jon has also penned two articles recently: his piece on charity in your own backyard will be in the November issue of Alternative Press and he’s written on the nature of heroism for The Huffington Post.
He also recently participated in filming an innovative online game called “The Climate Challenge,” for Oxfam ( “When you play the game, you will feel the urgency. We have to start acting now on climate change. There is literally no time to waste,” says Foreman. The game will launch in late October at
Hello Hurricane, SWITCHFOOT’s first studio album since 2006’s Oh! Gravity, which debuted at No. 18 on The Billboard 200, acknowledges life’s storms while managing to find an element of hope in them. The band tracked more than 80 songs at its self-built home studio before narrowing it down to the 12 that appear on the new album. (Fans can check out the four-minute trailer, “The Making of Hello Hurricane,” at
THE Hello Hurricane TOUR:
Date City/State Venue Food Bank
11/8 San Diego, CA E.C Performing Arts Center N/A
11/11 Los Angeles, CA The Roxy Theatre L.A Regional FB
11/13 Scottsdale, AZ Martini Ranch St. Mary’s FB Alliance
11/14 Tucson, AZ The Rock Community FB of Tucson
11/16 Oklahoma City, OK Diamond Ballroom Regional FB of Oklahoma
11/17 Dallas, TX House of Blues North Texas Food Bank
11/18 Austin, TX The Parish Capital Area Food Bank
11/20 Houston, TX Warehouse Live TBA
11/21 New Orleans, LA The Parish Second Harvest FB
11/22 Nashville, TX Exit In Second Harvest FB
11/24 Atlanta, GA The Loft Atlanta Community FB
11/27 Anaheim, CA House of Blues Second Harvest FB
11/28 Ventura, CA The Majestic Food Share
12/3 Charlotte, NC Amos' Southend TBA
12/5 Richmond, VA The National - WDYL Snowball N/A
12/7 Baltimore, MD Rams Head Live TBA
12/8 New York, NY The Fillmore NY @ Irving Plaza Bowery Mission
12/9 Boston, MA Paradise Rock Club TBA
# # #
Facebook -
Twitter -
BroAm -
MySpace -
You Tube -
The World You Want -
Band Site -
Fan sites –;
We also hear from management that the official "Mess of Me" video will be released on either Wednesday or Thursday. I'm telling you, it's going to be pretty good.
-------- reports that the Kris Allen/Jon Foreman/Mike Elizondo collab made the final cut for Allen's album:
Switchfoot singer Jon Foreman also contributed to "Lifetime."
"Mess of Me" jumped a spot to No. 37 on the Modern Rock/Alternative charts. It is now 1 spot away from matching "Oh! Gravity." as far as chart success. WIN
Keep it up friends. If you haven't already, please read my semi-motivational, lame, speech from yesterday here. hehe...
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We have regained the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS.

Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
Posted by
1:58 PM
Labels: Charts, Official News, Press Releases
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Vote LIKE MADMEN(WOMEN)!; + New "Hello Hurricane" Interviews
Alright folks. This has been really weighing on my mind. As we prepare to dive into a brand new era of Switchfoot, I've been thinking lately about how this blog, We're Awakening, first started. I created this blog way back in June 2007, to help promote "Awakening" and send it to the masses, thinking the sheer might of the Switchfoot fan base would propel it to the top charts everywhere. As we all know, that single never really took off, for a number of reasons and to no fault of the fams.
Things were a bit discouraging for me once I came to this realization that efforts to promote Switchfoot were going to be futile. Sony was not going to be giving "Awakening" the help it needed in order to make it the smash single we all know it should have been, no matter how much time and effort we threw into this thing.
As the summer started to dwindle down and we began to hear news that Switchfoot had begun working on a new record, that they had cut ties with Sony, and that "Head Over Heels (In This Life)" was going to be tapped as next Christian-only single by Sparrow, I began to consider shutting down the site. After all, there seemed to be no point in moving on, now that the site's purpose had run out. But after much thought, I realized that this thing could be carried on with a new direction, for the love of the music, all while preserving the promotional spirit that started the blog in the first place.
Fast forward to 2009. We are a little over two weeks away from having the seventh Switchfoot album drop in our laps (or mailboxes). It's getting to that time when excitement and anticipation builds to a near frenzy... so... what better way to channel all that nervous energy than to throw ourselves into voting/promoting the heck out of Switchfoot? We've got Atlantic behind us this time; they've gotten Switchfoot onto everything from ESPN college football games to Star Magazine to Entertainment Weekly to Game 1 of the ALCS baseball playoffs –– not to mention the fact that "Mess of Me" is steadily climbing the rock charts.
So, what am I trying to say with this long-winded letter of sorts? I don't really know... but I do ask, that you help Switchfoot out in as best a way as you can, by going to these links and voting for Switchfoot. We have seen time and again the power that word-of-mouth can play in promoting something, so besides giving your voice here by clicking things on your computer, go out and tell your friends about the upcoming album. Burn them a copy of "Mess of Me" or put the mp3 on their iTunes. Post the video all over Twitter, Facebook, etc. Do whatever it takes to help Switchfoot out. That's what we're here for guys and gals.
Switchfoot's music has given me SO MUCH and saved my life. I can only begin to somewhat repay them with these few little words typed on a screen every day or so; to only begin to somewhat repay them for the little votes I log every time I log on. How much has Switchfoot given you? How much are you willing to give back?
- Job
Hehe. Sorry friends for that long diatribe. I felt like saying something, so I did. :)
Anways, like I said, let's get voting!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We have regained the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS.
Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
Now, here are some interviews for your perusal. Thanks LOBH for these tips.
First, here's an interview with Jon Foreman from, conducted by our friend Susie.
TT: That leads into my next question. With all of that freedom, you really didn’t have anyone looking over your shoulder, you’ve got all the time in the world, you’ve got freedom to make your own decisions. Was that more liberating or was it more paralyzing?
Jon: It’s both you know. Every blessing is a curse and that was certainly a blessing and a curse in itself. To be completely boundless in everything means that we have to kind of invent our own boundaries, you know? I think that was ultimately a healthy process to have to go through. At the time there were some dark moments when we were trying to figure out what we wanted to do. Because for us it felt like a new beginning. It felt like a brand new record, brand new studio, brand new era of Switchfoot. So what do you want to do for the next 10 years of your life? And there’s five incredibly creative people all in a room with all sorts of ideas that may or may not line up. And 80+ songs that we are kind of sifting through trying to figure out which ones are gold and which ones are silver. And which ones are crap (laughs). I think it was definitely a process and I think we emerged on the other side much stronger as a band and much more sure of who we are. But there were moments along the way that felt a little bit more hopeless.
Read the rest of this GREAT interview here
And, a second interview, this time with Tim Foreman, with Disarray Magazine.
4. Are you excited about going out on this mini tour, what venues/cities are you looking forward to the most?
Tim: It’s going to be a real challenge for us, what we’ve done is set it up where we play Hello Hurricane from start to finish all 12 tracks in order and we’ve never done anything like that before. That’s definitely going to take some practice, and what we’re currently doing right now in our studio here in San Diego. At the same time we’re looking for new challenges and one we’re looking forward to.
Read the rest of this one here.
^Both great, insightful interviews. I enjoyed reading them both –– lots of insightful quotes about the new record.
"Mess of Me" holds at No. 38 on the Alternative charts.
Posted by
1:32 AM
Labels: Charts, essays, Interviews
Saturday, October 24, 2009
More Switchfoot banners to post; new Chad Butler interview
Atlantic's Street Propaganda has updated their site with new Switchfoot banners to post on your blogs, myspaces, facebooks, etc. Go here to see and grab the html codes!
There's a new interview with Chad Butler. In it, he talks about the new album, as well as other usual things. Nothing new here, but still interesting to listen to. Check out the post here and download it here.
"Mess of Me" moved up to No. 38 on the Alternative Charts.
The song has also garnered it's first official Billboard listing, at No. 38! Welcome back, Switchfoot!
There are new voting links we've amassed over the weekend. Time to really get out there and vote your minds off. I've got all of these voting links set as my home page… it's a great motivator. I suggest you try it too. ;)
Note: from now on, we're going to post short links/blurbs to the pages, so that this section doesn't look too cluttered. It's all pretty self-explanatory. We'll update you on how things are doing, if we see any action!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We are now in second place. Vote us back to the top!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS.
Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
Posted by
3:38 AM
Labels: Charts, Downloads, Interviews
Friday, October 23, 2009
I... am... speechless...
Feast your eyes, fangirls... ;)
Thanks Jeanna, from LOBH for this... haha!
Posted by
9:30 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Jon Foreman!
The big 33! Jon Foreman's day of birth is today!
Be sure to wish him Happy Birthday any way you can, whether it's through Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, or whatever. He deserves it.
Happy birthday, man. Keep rockin'!
Posted by
11:21 AM
Labels: Milestones
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Alternative Press reviews "Hello Hurricane" and publishes a Jon Foreman op-ed article!; new tour dates; hi-q pictures
Alternative Press Magazine is making their December 2009 issue rather Switchfoot-heavy. Thanks to the official Switchfoot myspace blog and Facebook, here are caps of the review of "Hello Hurricane" and a Jon Foreman op-ed article:
^A 3.5/5 review is pretty solid.
To those who were disappointed when the initial "Hello Hurricane" tour dates were made available, there is really great news for you. Switchfoot have added a string of dates in December!
12.03.09 Charlotte, NC
Amos' Southend
12.05.09 Richmond, VA
WDYL Snowball @ The National
12.07.09 Baltimore, MD
Rams Head Live
12.08.09 New York, NY
The Fillmore Irving Plaza
12.09.09 Boston, MA
Paradise Rock Club
^Yeah! Anyone stoked because the "Hello Hurricane" tour is finally making a stop at a venue near you?
Speaking of tour, the band has been hard at work rehearsing to play their entire new album through. Here are tweets and corresponding pictures from those times.
- Rehearsals for the upcoming tour went well today! got to surf a few fun ones this morning with tim beforehand... jon
- Rehearsing hard down here... So hard that romey's starting to break things- yikes! -Jon
- Rehearsals. So fun to play these new tunes!! -tf
^Drew Shirley's got a mic. Wait, Drew's got a mic?? WHAT?? That's awesome.
Australian friends! "Hello Hurricane" is releasing November 6, in your country according to Enjoy the early release date friends!
I just got an email from management informing us that the music video for "Mess of Me" is rolling out soon!
Here's a review of "Nothing Is Sound," from, the fifth in their series of Switchfoot album reviews before the release of "Hello Hurricane."
Overall: Switchfoot have reinforced my thinking that they are one of the best bands of the decade and aren’t content with staying put musically. I can count on them to put out a fresh product with new tweaks to their sound, always pushing it to another level. There’s that saying, ‘Don’t always judge a book by it’s cover’, which rings true with music sometimes but instead it’s, ‘Don’t judge an album by your initial impressions’. When music has depth, it takes awhile to realize it. Once I did I found that Nothing Is Sound is not only one of their best albums, but one of the best this decade. Lay aside what you think you know about this band and listen with an open mind. This isn’t an album full of singles so much as a complete work of art that can’t be cut up into bits and pieces. It needs to be experienced as a whole.
Read the entire review here
Whoo! This is a long update, huh? Here's a video previewing an interview with Jon Foreman, as well as an acoustic performance of "Mess of Me" on the beach!
Project Rhythm Seed UNDERGROUND - Jon Foreman (Teaser)
I'm such a sucker for hi-quality pictures and photos, so when LOBH posted these shots up, I was drooling... (proverbially speaking of course).

Charts News
"Mess of Me" held steady today at No. 39 on the Alternative charts.
Excercise those fingers, and keep voting for Switchfoot! We need to keep this ball rolling.
- Go vote for "Mess of Me" on RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted here. It is currently at 47.2%, significantly higher than yesterday. Great work! But we can't let that momentum slide. Make sure you vote every day.
- KROQ (Los Angeles) is one of the most influential rock stations in the country. When they add a song, several other stations across the country take notice and follow suit. We need to get "Mess of Me" on there, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS. I REPEAT. WE NEED THIS.

Go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!
We'll post more voting opportunities as they come up, so keep checking back every day.
Posted by
6:32 PM
Labels: Charts, Hello Hurricane Tour, In the News, Official News, Reviews, Twitter, Videos