Thursday, July 24, 2008

From Dope Shades to Dope Covers: Kina Grannis covers Switchfoot!

You may recognize Kina Grannis as the winner of the Doritos Super Bowl contest. Her song was given a 60-second spot on TV during the Game this year, and she now has a record deal with Interscope. I'm especially pulling for her because she's a local product, hailing from nearby Mission Viejo, California!

So without further ado, here is Miss Grannis' niceee cover of Switchfoot's "Let That Be Enough."


Anonymous said...

Dude the podcast idea? That's a good one. Do you have MSN Messenger or something? Or Myspace? Where we could sort of meet and talk it over?

Unknown said...

I have MSN Messenger...! haha. I have some conferencing software that I used for online classes... I'll have to figure out if I can make it work... hehe