Note: Hey friends. It's 2:18 am PST, and I am exhaustedly exhausted (yes, it's redundant). Sorry, I won't have a full update ready for you all until probably mid-Monday. By then, I'm sure LOBH will have already covered everything, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled there for news.
But please take your time to vote for Switchfoot on Alternative Addiction's Year-End polls. "Mess of Me" is up for Song of the Year, and "Hello Hurricane" is up for album of the year. Let's swamp the polls and get Switchfoot the top spots! (ONLY ONE VOTE is counted). Ready, set, go!
Also, vote for the "Mess of Me" video here on the Steelroots Countdown. Peace, and good night!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
VOTE for Switchfoot on Alternative Addiction Song and Album of the Year!
Posted by
2:17 AM
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Switchfoot show at the House of Blues, Anaheim, CA recap
Note: I had the opportunity to go see Switchfoot during one of their dates on the Hello Hurricane tour. Turns out that would be the single best show I've ever seen them play. Here is a rough recap, written last night right after the show... words can't do it justice, but here's my attempt...
Red Eyes. That sums up the evening for me in more ways than a thousand words can review. It paints a feeling, a mood, a sketch of a moment in time, that will forever be etched in my memory – or at least for a long time. I've found that when I listen to music, I intentionally search for movement: I want to be moved to tears. Switchfoot did just that on a Black Friday night at the House of Blues in Anaheim, CA.
I can launch into a long-winded, song-by-song review of how things went down tonight in Downtown Disney, but that would be a little redundant. There were highlights of course, like the instrumental outburst at the end of "Free" or the fist-pumping madness that was, "The Sound," or maybe Switchfoot medleying "Shadow" during "Stars" or Jon Foreman singing "Love Is the Movement" before "Meant to Live." But the highlight of the day lay in the more personal realm of things… to me anyways.
The day began at 12 p.m., when my brother, friend Bryant, his brother, and I arrived at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney. We met some pretty sweet people, including Mark, who had been waiting there since 5 a.m. in an attempt to get some front row spots for his family. Amazing guy. The dedication he showed was moving and inspiring… As the day wore on, the circumstances seemed to dictate that he would probably not get anywhere near the front, but amazingly enough, things worked out for him and his family. So glad for them.
We also met Jake and Lully, who were really great sports along with us as we waited the 9 hours until Switchfoot took the stage. We shared laughs and jokes about being the "TRUE" friends of the foot for waiting out there for hours and hours (no disrespect though, friends. I understand you paid good money for meet and greets, just saying. haha. All jokes…). But those were the great new friends we made, and that's what it's all about… building community…
Which, awesomely enough, included finally meeting a TON of the official boardie folk in person! Once our group finally got into the venue, we ran into a good friend of ours again, Josh, who brought us to join the rest of the boardies at the front of the crowd. Jana, Amy, those were funny, random times. haha. Gabs, thanks for the cookie. :) Amylynne, we did it! We got them to play "Faust!" Josh, you rock so much… I already told you that, but for real… you are amazing. Bryant, Alex, you guys are so fun to hang out with. To my little bro, thanks for coming; you chose the perfect show to come to for your first time. :)
So anyways, the show began, and there was much rejoicing as Switchfoot took the stage and any weariness from our long wait melted away. Playing through a record takes a lot of discipline, and the guys definitely appear now to have mastered the art. From "Needle and Haystack Life" 'til the very end of "Awakening," this was probably one of the tightest shows I have ever seen the band play –– every note and harmony was absolutely NAILED.
Throughout the evening, I was looking for a moment of transcendence… and found it, rather appropriately I suppose, at the end of the set when "Sing It Out" segued seamlessly into "Red Eyes." Something about that moment tore my soul apart, and I burst into shameless tears… caught me by surprise, but that's ok. "Holding on… holding on… with red eyes, what are you looking for?" Singing out those words to that song… unbelievable.
And any words I attempt to use to describe this show would be quite useless… just know that Switchfoot is at the HEIGHT of its game right now. This show was perfect… if you haven't gotten tickets, then what are you waiting for? (song reference whole-heartedly intended). Peace and love,
Set 1:
Needle and Haystack Life
Mess of Me
Your Love Is a Song
The Sound
Enough to Let Me Go
Free (Happy Is a Yuppie Word Intro)
Hello Hurricane
Bullet Soul
Sing It Out
Red Eyes
Set 2:
Faust (by crowd request)
Stars (Shadow Proves the Sunshine medley)
Oh! Gravity.
Dirty Second Hands
Twenty Four
Dare You to Move
Meant to Live (Love Is the Movement intro)
This Is Your Live
Here are some videos from the show last night.
And... Red Eyes...
Dirty Second Hands
^Those two courtesy of Gabby. Thanks!
Posted by
2:46 PM
Labels: Concert Reviews, FootColumns, Hello Hurricane Tour
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Switchfoot Exclusive Interview on TVGUide
Happy Thanksgiving friends! Just one small update today. Here's a video of Jon Foreman and Chad Butler at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles talking about and discussing "Hello Hurricane," particularly "Mess of Me." Check it out, and rate and comment. :)
That's it! Have a great holiday with your friends and families, fellow Americans. And for those of you from the rest of the world, have a good, solid day filled with many blessings. Peace out! I will be at the Switchfoot show tomorrow, so expect at least a small review. For updates and stuff, follow my personal Twitter @joberooni. :)
Also, be sure to follow us @wereawakening on Twitter to stay updated while you're away or on the road throughout the long weekend.
Posted by
2:40 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009
"Daisy," more Hello Hurricane reviews, New FootColumn, and more!
Here's a video of Switchfoot playing "Daisy" Saturday night in Houston.
^Interesting take on the ending rock portion of the song. Not sure if I like it yet. :P What do you all think?
Also, here's a video of "Free" at the Oklahoma City show a few days back
^That song is amazing live.
"Meant to Live" Live 94.5 The Buzz Houston
"Dare You to Move" from the same performance
Christianity Today did an interview last week with Jon Foreman. It's quite insightful to hear what Jon says, as usual. Check it out:
What are some of the Big Things you're saying with the new album?
This record communicates hope. I've gone through really dark times, when I can't find hope to write about. This was the hardest record we've ever made, because we were pushing for something bigger than we already attained. A big part of that lyrically was trying to push through the clouds to find the hope that transcends the pain.
What can you tell us about those dark times?
The past four years of my life have been among the darkest times I've ever been through. To tell you more here would be giving a piece of myself that I feel less comfortable with. I'd rather sing it out. It's all in the songs. I'm incredibly fortunate to be able to hide behind lyrics!
With songs like "Red Eyes," "Sing It Out," "Mess of Me," and "Hello Hurricane," it's not the typical "positive and encouraging" CCM album, but you still say it's an album of hope. What is that hope?
Hope, for me, does not ever start with a sunny day. Hope, for me, does not start with what you've already attained. If it's there in front of you physically, it's no longer faith. Hope is an expectancy that is by the very nature of the word built into the future. Many of these songs are singing from a place where the punchline of joy and happy endings has not yet arrived. We're still living in a very broken world. I still have a broken heart. It's from that context that hope is possible. This record is definitely singing from broken places, but it's not landing there. It's continuing to press further than where the song began. Music is this incredible vehicle where I'm allowed to figure things out for myself in the song.
Read the rest here!
One blogger reviews "Hello Hurricane." Here's an excerpt:
As a result, “new Switchfoot album” wasn’t really something I was thinking about when November rolled around, and it wasn’t until I kept hearing about how good it was from everyone that I decided to hit Amazon MP3 and see if it lived up to the hype. Let me just start by spoiling my conclusion a bit and note that the album is now repeating for the third time and I still have an idiot grin on my face.
The Examiner posted a review of the show at the Roxy from a couple weeks ago. A little late, but good nonetheless. I thought I'd take some liberties and repost it in its entirety.
Jon Foreman seemed to magically appear standing on a table in the middle of the Roxy singing a wordless refrain while the band played from the stage. The front man smiled benevolently, encouraging audience participation until they sang without him.
A simple yet confident opening speech swirled into "Needle and Haystack Life."
"Hello Hollywood, Hello Hurricane. We're Switchfoot."
From the audience response, one would never guess that the song is a non-single from a new album. The lyrics exhort the audience, "Don't let go, don't give up hope. All is forgiven. You're breathing in the highs and lows. We call it living." After "Needle and Haystack Life," Foreman asked if it would be OK that they decided to play the new album from start to finish in track order. The audience cheered their approval.
"Mess of Me," their lead single, electrified the room. They rocked it like a classic. The lyrics resounded clearly over power chords, "I am my own affliction, I am my own disease. There ain´t no drug that they could sell, Ah there ain´t no drugs to make me well."
They told a story sonically and visually. Seagulls suspended delicately from the rafters throughout the Roxy seemed have flown out of the album cover backdrop. The lighting varied with songs and verses to emphasize changing moods. The band put their album out on vinyl and reminded the audience of where they would turn over the record. The audience cheered.
The band brought in new instruments--a piano, a mandolin, a harmonica, an accordion. They played tightly and tunefully.
Keyboardist Fontamillas played more instruments than one could keep track of. Lead singer Jon Foreman sang with meaning and conviction, from the gentle caress of his falsetto, to his full voice in mid range. His plaintive tones on "Your Love is A Song" made the song emotive and unforgettable; far more memorable live than the studio version. The audience sang along heartily.
In the midst of the singing along, bobbing heads and relationship with the audience, one can't help but think there is something missing. Ironically, "Bullet Soul" gave a danceable, singable Nirvanaesque sound replete with power chords and cowbell. Fontamillas stepped to the front playing the cowbell to syncopated glory while Foreman sang from inside the crowd and even took pictures of the crowd with a fan's camera. However, it left a fever for more; more songs with variety like 2006's single "Oh! Gravity." Both the opening and the title song on "Hello Hurricane" show elements of surprise with varied textures, drum accents, and active counter melodies.
Switchfoot ensconced the overall sound in a blanket of relative sonic safety for this new album. To be fair, however, their infectious spirit of fraternity, solidarity, love of what they do, musical talent, and connection with their audience can cause even a cynic to sing along. Hopefully, they will use their newfound indie stardom as a sonic switchfoot to experiment with their sound again.
True to name, they certainly did a switchfoot by having greater success in alternative markets after Sony/BMG dropped them. They have not had an American Top 40 single since 2006, but that isn't everything. They market themselves using social media--Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube. Switchfoot invented a scavenger hunt through Blogger site that involves hiding "Mess of Me" both physically at disclosed locations and digitally on the internet. "Hello Hurricane" is now being distributed by Atlantic. The band's dedicated fans think Switchfoot still has something to say about having some hope in this world. A lesser band would have given up. Switchfoot is not a lesser band.
^Very nice. Read the source article here
PLEASE check out Bleah's awesome new FootColumn, in which she writes about a recent interview Drew Shirley had with her local radio station. Read it here
Good news. Over the weekend, "Mess of Me" jumped up two spots on the Alternative charts, and now rests at No. 26. Keep the requesting up!
Don't forget to take the time to vote! Also, as already said, remember to continue to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations! I can't emphasize how important it is for us to make our presence felt at our local radio stations. Our friend Bleah worked tirelessly on her radio station, and they have begun to play "Mess of Me!" Great job!
Our work will pay dividends. "Hello Hurricane" has already debuted and made a mark on the Billboard charts. It's now our job to make this a very long and fruitful album cycle for the band! The way to do that is to help with radio and voting. Thanks friends for your time. :)
- WRRV (No. 1!)
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 WE WERE NO. 3 AGAIN LAST FRIDAY NIGHT! We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!

Again, please go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
8:00 AM
Labels: Charts, Concert Reviews, Hello Hurricane Tour, Reviews, Videos
Foot Column: Drew Shirley on Hello Hurricane Debut
I was in the car last week when I heard that in ten minutes, Drew Shirley of Switchfoot, was going to be doing an interview on my local Christiain radio station. I was so excited. So I made my mom leave me in the car, with it running, while she went shopping so that I would be able to hear it. I pulled out my MP4 and turned it on record and waited. Well, lets just say it didn't come on for exactly twenty three minutes (yes I did pay that much attention). But when it finally came on it was so worth it.
Drew explained the heart of this band in way that was truly inspiring to me. He talked about how they want to give back to each town they go into; to give more than "just a great night of music," but to really give back something that is needed. Like when they come to Houston, they will be supporting a charity that gives blankets to the homeless, and they are encouraging everyone who comes to that show to bring blankets. They've done canned goods, where everyone who comes is asked to bring non-perishables. Everywhere they go they link up with someone, and they help. Not for publicity, but because they want to be who they say they are all the time. But in truth, it doesn't matter if they were this huge (and amazing) band or not. This is their heart and soul. This is who they are. And they have no problem with letting you see the real them.
Then he went on to talk about the album, how it was made, the story, the feeling behind it. He talked about how Tim just randomly said "what about Hello Hurricane?" and they loved it and shaped the entire album around it. He talked about the stuff the band has been through and how the album reflects their victory over that. He talked about economic hurricanes, relational hurricanes, and physical hurricanes. I think Drew gave a huge amount of enlightenment to the entire album.
Now I'm sure that if you were one of those very lucky people who bought the deluxe version of Hello Hurricane, not very much of this is new to you. But for those of you like me (which I'm sure, there have to be more of you out there) who didn't buy it, this will give you a new respect for the album. And even if you've heard it before, I'm sure it doesn't hurt to take another listen.
I've included the manuscript. No need to hold you any longer, here it is:
Jen: So we're gonna talk more about the album, we'll do that in a few minutes. But you guys are comin' to Houston November 19th for some ticket servent street and greet events. Basically what this is, its three locations around houston where you can hang out with the guys from Switchfoot for free. And I love that the first one is at Star of Hope in downtown Houston I feel like everytime you guys come to town that you're doing something good for Houston and helping us collect blankets for the star of hope, for the homeless in Houston.
Drew: Yeah, thanks for bringin' that up. Its something that we really do feel strongly about. When we do a tour, we try to find something in every town that gives back to the community that we're going into. It kinda started with just the thought of, how can we leave more than just the great night of music, with these people? So often we'll come into a city, and we come in on the bus, and we get out and walk around a little bit and see the city, and its like, a lot of the time, we're in the rock and roll clubs where its not the best parts of town and stuff, and you just see things. And I don't know, its just we kinda have a heart for that, as a band. You know, we just find needs and we see things that are going on and we just hear about things, like Habitat for Humanity, and we hear about things from Star of Hope, and we just wanted to be involved, like every time we hear about something, we're just like "Yeah, we want to be apart of that, we want to be doing that stuff." 'Cause you know, its just something that we can do while we're there, that doesn't take away from the music but adds on to what we're doing and it adds to kinda the heart of the band. We really like people to know what we believe in so that they can also join in with that cause.
Jen: Definitely. Well we definitely want everyone to get involved. Find out more about the ticket servant street and greet event at the three loctions around Houston. Check out Ticket
And what it really comes down to is the core of what we're called to do, its basically scriptural right?
Drew: You know, the thing that we try to live by is, you're not just who you are on stage, you want to be the same on and off stage. We're just really honest with the fans and who we are. So we're talking on stage about, you know, helping people, hope, dare you to move, you know, pick yourself up, we have these things ingrained into what we believe and in our songs. And you have to live it. Because actions speak louder then words. So, we just really feel like that's part of our, calling, if you will, as a band. Its just our actions and how we do busniness, and how we organize or tours and everything.
Jen: Absolutely. Drew from Switchfoot today, the album is in stores. Its called Hello Hurricane. And we're not done yet we're gonna talk about the album and Drew's also gonna help us with some lessons on how to be Switchfoot cool. On Ksbj. (Music Plays)
Drew: This is the day we have been waiting for, for so long!!
Jen: I can imagine. We're so excited for you guys. Well the album title is Hello Hurricane and everyone in Houston is so grateful that you've honored us by this song to us, I know thats not really the case but I realize the hurrcane you're talking about is more about, not just this album being a project, but a journey for you for you guys.
Drew: Yeah, and you know, we don't really use the word hurricane lightly. You know, a few of us, Jon and Tim, grew up on the east coast. We've seen, like you said, that what happens in your home town, and we don't take that lightly. And you know the album title, Hello Hurricane, wasn't specifically about just the physical weather system of a hurricane. We really started just looking around and its really just a symbol of something that's massive, and destructive, disorderly, and just confusing. We're suffering an economic hurricane right now, if you will. There are social hurricanes that we've written about in some of the songs on our album. You know, sometimes, relationships can be just completely sending you in different directions and you don't know whats going on, and its confusing and its like a hurricane. Now the name of this album stems from us, seeing the storm and realizing that we want to embrace the storm and basically cope, knowing that we are going to get out the other side. We want that album to carry that message of the lyric in the title song, because actually, in Hello Hurricane it says: "Hello Hurrcane, you can't silence my love." So we came up with it, and put that title even before the album was written. Our bass player Tim actually said "What do you think of this as a contract, you know as a title," and we were like wow, that's amazing. It's powerful, it's the message of that we've been talking about and thinking about and going through. I mean, to be honest, as a band, we went through a really hard two years. In the past two years that this album kind of came through on that journey, and it was very emotional for us as a band because we lived it, we lived this message. And you know, its something that we want to speak at from the experience that we've had. While it might not be as hard as it is for someone who's in the actual hurricane or lost loved ones in that way, but it does carry that same heart.
Jen: Definitely, Drew with Switchfoot joining us this afternoon. So excited, its the album release date. You can pick up your copy in stores now its called Hello Hurricane and be sure to check out ticket servant .com to find about chances for you to meet these guys November 19th. and ticket servent street and greet.
Please feel free to give me your comments/suggestions/questions/criticisms (yes I like those too). Because I like knowing what you guys think.
Thank you for reading!
-Bleah Briann.
Posted by
Bleah Briann//Lovely
1:06 AM
Labels: FootColumns
Sunday, November 22, 2009
More "Hello Hurricane" Reviews!
Christianity Today posted their review of "Hello Hurricane." Excerpt:
In all the swells and sways of grungy guitar riffs and drilling drums, there's something really authentic about Hello Hurricane. Not that it is without influences. Mandatory derivatives of Coldplay and U2 are inserted alongside tinges of The Killers and JET, and even a skosh of Modest Mouse, but the overall record feels original—thanks in part to producer/bassist-pro Mike Elizondo's (Dr. Dre, Pink, Fiona Apple) varied experience.
^I've noticed that most of the Christian publications have really dug this record. Waiting on Rolling Stone, Spin, and Paste Magazine to review this record.
Our friend TJ wrote up a review of "Hello Hurricane" for The Christian Manifesto. Excerpt
Musically speaking, Switchfoot delivers their loudest album to date. Numbers like “Mess of Me” and “Bullet Soul” definitely insure that Switchfoot won’t be accused of turning the volume down on this effort. In addition to this, Switchfoot quite honestly opens up their hearts on their seventh studio effort. From the chorus of “Your Love is a Song” to the piano ballad “Always”, the band has put together what is arguably their most lyrically direct album to date.
^Be sure to check out the rest of the review. :)
HM Magazine has a review as well. Excerpt:
Most bands don’t rebound after having the amount of success that Switchfoot did with “The Beautiful Letdown” and then the “let downs” of 2 albums following it. I too was even a skeptic of if Switchfoot could bounce back and in some regards had lost my desire for the band’s material. The 3 years between albums by all industry standards could’ve killed this band but I believe this album will be the band’s shining moment. I believe this album will be the album people remember.
Air1 is featuring Switchfoot. Check out the banner across their website:

They also have an audio interview. Check it out here. It's nothing too too new, but still a great listen. Be sure to listen to all the sections. "We knew we were doomed when we called the song 'Always,' because we were always working on it." - Tim Foreman. haha. nice.
We'll be back with full updates on Monday. Thanks for reading. :)
Posted by
12:36 AM
Labels: Radio Interviews, Reviews
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thoughts on the upcoming OneRepublic Tour
Been hearing a lot of reactions over the news that Switchfoot will be going out on tour with OneRepublic. Some are confused (styles are different?), angry (another opening tour??), and some are ecstatic. Here are some of my thoughts on this:
I'm all for the band gaining new fans. I love Switchfoot, and if I can share them with as many people as possible, I don't mind. Touring isn't always going to be about pleasing the old regular fams; it's also about getting the word out and gaining new fans too. If this tour will help in that aspect, and possibly set up a bigger headlining tour in the summer or fall, SWEET.
OneRepublic is HUGE –– they'll definitely attract the younger Top 40 demographic; this should reacquaint Switchfoot with the mainstream audience quite well. So far, the rock crowd has been appealed to in promotion, with "Mess of Me" at radio and "The Sound" on the Blackberry commercials. Maybe this is the band's way of letting the pop world know, "Hey, we're still here!" Maybe they'll release "Your Love Is a Song" to radio to coincide with this tour? Maybe?
So, if you don't like the other band enough, or are not happy that Switchfoot is opening for a bigger act (again), then you don't have to go. The Hello Hurricane tour is still going strong, so be sure to go ahead and get on out there! Otherwise, there's always next time. :]
----- has some more exclusive Switchfoot interview videos where they talk about the album and "Sing It Out." Check 'em out. It's a great watch/listen.
Switchfoot apparently has a new tribute album! has this listing. Go there to listen to previews... I'm very very tempted to grab this. Sounds really good.
IN THE NEWS has an article about Switchfoot. Check it out:
Their plan for the tour — which began Sunday in San Diego, their hometown, and reaches the Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City on Monday — is to play "Hello Hurricane” in its entirety, followed by fan favorites from previous records. Foreman said the home audience liked the heaping helping of new tunes just fine.
"We had no idea what to expect,” Foreman said. "We’ve never done anything like this. In the more than six records that we’ve put out, we’ve never actually played the entire record from Track 1 to Track 12. So, it was a new experience for us. It was really quite moving.”
Foreman saw fans responding as enthusiastically to the anthemic "This Is the Sound” ("This is the sound from the discontented mouths of a haunted nation!”) and the Bono/Edgy-sounding "Needle and Haystack Life” as they did to the hits ("Dare You to Move,” "Meant to Live”).
"It’s always fun to play new songs, but usually you spread them out over the course of an evening of music where you’re playing songs that everyone’s familiar with, along the way,” Foreman said.
Read the rest here.
The Great Falls Tribune posted a glowing review of "Hello Hurricane."
It is my belief that any song, or album, should not be judged according to the first impression it leaves, but on how many times you are forced to hit the replay button and how long it sticks in your head.
The latest Switchfoot CD, "Hello Hurricane," is a perfect example. On the first run-through it seems to be only a good album — not a great one. And to be perfectly honest, on some of the most beautiful songs ("Your Love is a Song," for instance), the initial impression is that lead singer Jon Foreman had a mild case of laryngitis while recording. But for some reason you play it again ... and again ... and then you're humming it for the rest of the day, and maybe singing it when no one's around. That's a great album.
^SO true. Read the rest of it here
"Mess of Me" holds strong at No. 27 on the Alternative charts. It continues to increase in spins, and things are looking good for a long, successful chart run –– IF we hold up our end of the bargain and request it at our local radio stations. Please make sure to do that! It's definitely working. Details below.
Don't forget to take the time to vote! Also, remember, remember, remember to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations! Our work will pay dividends. "Hello Hurricane" has already debuted and made a mark on the Billboard charts. It's now our job to make this a very long and fruitful album cycle for the band! The way to do that is to help with radio and voting. Thanks friends for your time. :)
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 WE WERE NO. 3 LAST NIGHT! We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!

Again, go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
11:07 AM
Labels: Charts, essays, In the News, OneRepublic Tour 2010, Reviews
Thursday, November 19, 2009
BREAKING: Switchfoot and OneRepublic to tour early 2010!
Right when I say it's a slow news day, look what happens!
This just in, from the Twitter account: @ConcertIdeas:
- OneRepublic and Switchfoot are going out together and are looking for colleges Feb. 10-March 20.
Um, crazy. That's all we have for now though. Will keep you posted once we hear more.
Posted by
3:28 PM
Labels: OneRepublic Tour 2010
Switchfoot video-fest (aka Slow news day)
Since it IS a slow news day, you all probably have more time on your hands. So, take some time to go request "Mess of Me" on your local Rock Radio stations! ;) Info below!
- watch our san diego version of the 'rock star guide to the galaxy' over at rhapsody!
Yupp! Check it out. Tim Foreman and Drew Shirley give you a guided tour of their favorite locations across San Diego in this awesome video. I'm moving there someday.
allmusic finally posted their review of "Hello Hurricane. Can't tell, but I think it's favorable.
Now for videos videos videos...
First up today, BennyTek1 on Youtube uploaded an oldie-but-goodie video of Switchfoot playing "On Fire" almost two years ago at the Irvine show during the Appetite for Construction Tour. I was at that show, so that's why it holds some special meaning to me. Here's the raw, HD footage:
Here are some great videos from tour
You (OKC)
Sing It Out (Dallas)
Your Love Is a Song (Texas)
Don't forget to take the time to vote! It's not that much of a time-waster (only a couple minutes at most). Also, remember, remember to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations. "Hello Hurricane" has already debuted and made a mark on the Billboard charts. It's now our job to make this a very long and fruitful album cycle for the band! The way to do that is to help with radio and voting. Thanks friends for your time. :)
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 WE WERE NO. 3 LAST NIGHT! We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS. Keep going.
Again, go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
1:34 PM
Labels: Hello Hurricane Tour, Twitter, Videos
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Switchfoot Debuts at No. 13 on the Billboard 200
Switchfoot made it to No. 13 on the Billboard 200 this week, with a solid 39,000 copies sold of "Hello Hurricane" sold. They trailed notable names such as Bon Jovi at 163,000 copies sold, good for No. 1 on the 200, and the No. 8 Flyleaf, at 56,000 copies "Memento Mori." (EW)
^I say it's a solid debut. It honestly could be worse, and although it finished well behind "Oh! Gravity." in terms of first-week sales, I think it has more potential for the long-term. Also, "Hello Hurricane" didn't have a gold-certified hit record in front of it (See: "Nothing Is Sound"), and the music industry has slid quite a ways in the last three years. This is a GREAT debut friends.
Nashville! Switchfoot has added a 2nd Show for 11/23 in your town! Click link below to purchase tickets.
Have you ever wanted to see Jon Foreman compete in a game show? Well, here's your chance ! (well, sorta)
Jon is featured as one of the contestants who answers some environmental questions on; the only thing is, YOU get to decide how Jon answers. It's rather hilarious... I tried answering for him, and since he gives the answer you choose, he also got the question wrong. So funny. Try it.
Note:Jon can be found in the Hot, Hot, Hot and Pollution Soulution categories. LOL.
iTunes finally has their official review of "Hello Hurricane." Here's an excerpt:
Roaring back on a new label with a retooled sound, Switchfoot turns Hello Hurricane into a triumphant statement of purpose. It's not that the album s free from fear and doubt –– lead singer/songwriter Jon Foreman grapples with a host of inner afflictions in these tracks. But the strength of Hello Hurricane comes from its sense of spiritual victory in the face of overwhelming odds, aided by some of the brawniest rock the band has laid down since its inception.
Read the rest here, and if you haven't already, BUY IT. :)
Friends, management has emailed us asking for some help at these local markets:
Request : (Phone) 801-470-9750 (Utah County)
801-570-9750 (Salt Lake County)
801-670-9750 (Davis County)
Request: (Phone) 602-260-1039 | Text: 91039
^If you live in those areas, please call in and request "Mess of Me." It would help the cause greatly, and if you're not from the area, if you feel so obliged, take a break from working the phones in your city and help us out there too!
Speaking of "Mess of Me," it's holding strong at No. 28 on the Alternative rock charts. Keep requesting! Link to request page can be found in the voting section below:
Don't forget to take the time to vote! It's not that much of a time-waster (only a couple minutes at most). Also, remember, remember to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations. "Hello Hurricane" has already debuted and made a mark on the Billboard charts. It's now our job to make this a very long and fruitful album cycle for the band! The way to do that is to help with radio and voting. Thanks friends for your time. :)
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 WE WERE NO. 3 LAST NIGHT! We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS. Keep going.

Again, go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: Charts
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
"Hello Hurricane" No. 6 on iTunes Weekly Sales
The Associated Press released the charts of iTunes album sales released on the week of Nov. 16, 2009.
1. "Before I Self Destruct," 50 cent
2. "Glee - The Music, Vol. 1," Glee Cast
3. "Play On," Carrie Underwood
4. "The Circle," Bon Jovi
5. "Attention Deficit," Wale
6. "Hello Hurricane," Switchfoot
7. "Memento Mori," Flyleaf
8. "Alter the Ending," Dashboard Confessional
9. "Ocean Eyes," Owl City
10. "Fearless," Taylor Swift
^Notably, it finished ahead of Flyleaf and Dashboard Confessional. We'll be hearing other album charts news very soon, so sit tight!
Patrol Magazine reviewed "Hello Hurricane," giving it 6.9/10 stars. Read it here
Our friends over at LOBH had an exclusive interview Andy Barron, the photographer for Switchfoot and the man responsible behind the artwork for "Hello Hurricane." Here's an excerpt:
Land of Broken Hearts (LOBH): Can you tell us the story behind the Hello Hurricane CD cover photo? Where was the photo taken? How did you take it?
Andy Barron: It was on the Up In Arms tour in New Jersey and we had a show on a pier over the water. There was a window through the bathroom that you could use and sneak out onto the roof, so we did. The guys were running around having fun with the birds and at one point I laid down and looked up and snapped [the shot]. I was hoping a bird wouldn't poop on my lens.
LOBH: I have to ask... is there ANY photoshopping on the image? Color correcting? Sharpening? Contrast? Layers?
Andy: As much as I would love to say there was no PS work to it, there is. Nothing crazy though. I adjusted colors and whatnot to my liking, and then there was one bird we affectionately called the 'hammerhead bird' because it lined up with another bird to make it look like a bird had a whole other bird for a head. I hope that makes sense. Needless to say I cleaned that up a little bit, but nothing too drastic was done to it.
^I loved it! Be sure to check out the rest!
Today marks the release of the latest American Idol winner, Kris Allen. Significant is that one of Allen's songs was co-written with Jon Foreman.
He tells MTV that he learned a lot from writing with the Switchfoot singer:
But it was fellow dude rockers Jon Foreman (from Switchfoot) and the Fray's Joe King who Allen said he learned the most from. "As an artist, I feel like I can relate to them. And obviously, Jon Foreman's lyrics are outta this world," Allen gushed. Foreman and King's efforts resulted in the inspiring anthem "Lifetime" and the jumpy, George Harrison-inspired "Alright With Me," respectively.
^That's awesome. Be sure to check out "Lifetime" on iTunes or Amazon if you can.
It's tour time! And Switchfoot have been busy tweeters, keeping the Twitter feed interesting. Here are highlights:
- Had an amazing time tonight in OKC. Thanks for the bonus encore! Played "you" for the first time ever. Dallas HOB tomorrow! -tf
- Up early, getting ready to play some tunes live on Good Morning Dallas TV.
- Done with tv, now on our way to 102.1 the EDGE. Drew's mustache says hello.

- Here's jon playing Stars on guitar while crowdsurfing don't think he's played it better! -tf
- Good news Nashville. For those of you who can't get in to our sold-out show this sunday, we are adding a second night on Monday!
- Chad's tracking a cover of a tune by The Verve on the verizon bus right now, guess which one?

"Mess of Me" moved up a slot today, and is now No. 28 on the Alternative charts! Keep up the requesting! It's working.
Don't forget to take the time to vote! It's not that much of a time-waster (only a couple minutes at most). Also, remember, remember to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations. Again, it's re-surging at radio, so be sure to help keep the pressure on!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS. Keep going.

Again, go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
4:04 PM
Labels: Charts, Hello Hurricane Tour, In the News, Interviews, Reviews, Twitter
Monday, November 16, 2009
New Leg of the "Hello Hurricane" Tour announced!
New Hello Hurricane Tour Dates posted....
Please check out the new tour dates posted. Paper Tongues will be supporting.
Jan 11 Portland OR Crystal Ballroom
Jan 12 Seattle WA Showbox
*FOTF presale Nov 18 at 10am local time
*General onsale Nov 21 at 10am local time
Jan 13 Vancouver BC Commodore Ballroom
Jan 15 Edmonton AB The Starlite Room
Jan 16 Calgary AB Macewan Hall
Jan 17 Saskatoon SK Louis' Pub
Jan 18 Winnipeg MB Garrick Centre
Jan 21 Kitchener ON Elements
Jan 22 Toronto ON Phoenix Theatre
*FOTF presale Nov 25 at 12pm noon local time
*General onsale Nov 27 at 12pm noon local time
Jan 23 Montreal QC Studio Jpr
*FOTF presale Nov 18 at 12 noon local time
*General onsale Nov 20 at 12 noon local time
Please make sure to check out the tour dates section for ALL show info.
Videos from tour! I love this time of year.
From the Scottsdale show:
Needle and Haystack Life
From the Tucson show:
Your Love Is a Song
Sing It Out and Red Eyes
Songwriteruniverse talked to Jon Foreman about his writing. Here's an excerpt:
As powerful as the sound of the band is, Switchfoot’s connection with their fans is rooted in Foreman’s emotional, spiritually-infused songwriting. “A great song feels like something you didn’t write yourself,” he says. “I equate the process of composing with archaeology, because every day you’re digging into yourself, the newspapers and your relationships past and present to discover new ideas. To use a metaphor I like, one day you may come across a lost city that’s been there thousands of years. You didn’t create it from scratch, but it’s transcendent. You’re digging every day, working tirelessly to find that one thing.”
"Mess of Me" is no. 29 on the Alternative charts, and is making a resurgence this week. Keep at the phones, friends!
Don't forget to take the time to vote! It's not that much of a time-waster (only a couple minutes at most). Also, remember, remember to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations. Again, it's resurging at radio, so be sure to help keep the pressure on!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS. Keep going.

Again, go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
6:36 PM
Labels: Charts, Hello Hurricane Tour, In the News, Videos
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday News Digest
Here's a splendid acoustic video of Switchfoot playing "Always"
It must be nice for a band like Switchfoot to play an intimate venue like Martini Ranch.
The pop rock band sold out tonight's show, and the audience, which was made up of mostly 20- and 30-something's, actually sung along, danced and clapped to the music.
Switchfoot released their seventh studio album, Hello Hurricane, this past Tuesday,
and the crowd did their homework quickly, singing along to every song from the album.
"I don't know how you guys are already singing along," said guitarist/vocalist Jon Foreman. "It's amazing. You're officially our favorite crowd ever."
Rockerrazzi Interview part 2
Also, Switchfoot had a pretty funny fail on their twitter this afternoon. We were planning a cool contest to help spread the word about "Hello Hurricane" this weekend, but it failed. Here's the twitter sequence.
1. the 20th person to RT our next tweet will win a signed hello hurricane tour poster... get ready to RT...
2. Today I didn't break 100 in bowling but I did break a shaker during the acoustic set... Romey <--- THIS was not supposed to be there... oh Romey...
3. our new record #hellohurricane is out now! pick it up on itunes for only 9.99 <----- THIS was the right one... but...
4. Wait, that one didn't count. Switchfoot fail. The next Twitter will be the one to retweet. Sorry bout that, ha.
5. Still cracking up, such an epic fail! So classic! I think we need to send out a few posters now to all the winners. We love you guys, -tf
6. congrats to @alliwally92 and @kempokid! let's still get the word out on #hellohurricane! <----- THERE you go. :P
Posted by
6:00 PM
Friday, November 13, 2009
Interviews, Videos, and Voting links
Before we get on with today's update (sorry it's a bit late), please, if you haven't already, buy "Hello Hurricane" on iTunes! You can get the 12 songs, pluse 3 bonus tracks you can't really find anywhere else, and a live in-studio video, for only $12.99 ! What are you waiting for? Here's even a link!
Here's another place you can make your presence felt. Vote for "Mess of Me" on this new york Alternative radio station. GO!
----- has an exclusive interview with Jon Foreman and Drew Shirley, two thirds of Switchfoot. Check it out here:
Also, Air1 did were given an exclusive tour of Switchfoot's Spot X studio. It's an awesome look:
Relevant Magazine gave a glowing review of "Hello Hurricane." Check it out.
Expressnightout also reviewed the album
Drew is the next member of the band to do an exclusive blog for CCM Magazine.
Being on the road is a strange reality for me I guess. Some of my friends were asking me today about the tour coming up and how it feels to be on a tour. I told them it is exciting and that I think I have one of the best jobs in the world. I mean, being in a band and traveling the world making music is a blessing that few people are able to experience. So, I thought I'd give you a quick snapshot of life on the road.
First of all, I usually sleep in because I usually stay up late the night before. Makes sense right? It takes me a while to unwind after a show and really, I just like to hang out at night. I keep my watch on California time, which helps me keep my body clock consistent through all the time changes. Living on the bus is like a really being on a small rolling apartment with ten or more people in it continually. As you can imagine there is lots of "stuff and things" everywhere and "excuse me I need to get by you again in the hallway." It looks glamorous to roll up in one, but after a month, it gets feeling really really small. One of the daily challenges is figuring out what my schedule is (cause it's different most days). Questions like "Where is a shower? Where's the bathroom? and Where is food?" are ones that I ask each morning. This can be tricky since we drive at night and wake up in a new city every day. I usually just search "coffee" on my phone and start heading that way. Mornin!
Aside from the logistical things about being on the road, I always look forward to meeting people and taking in the vibe of different cities. I love roaming around Denver, Seattle, Atlanta, New York and Chicago. Wow, these are all amazing places that each holds stories and memories for me. I'll just start walking and get lost in a city for a few hours. As long as I have my phone, wallet and tour pass, I can do just about anything. One of the most unique things about touring is living with your friends and working shoulder to shoulder. We are on a journey together with music that we believe in whole heartedly and that is a rare thing. I look forward to running into you in your city.
-Drew Shirley
Trapdoorsun did an interview with Jon. (thanks to our friend Tim for the tip)
TDS: As a songwriter, what emotions do you tap when writing? Do you tend to linger with certain emotions over others?
FOREMAN: There is a deeper portion of our being that we rarely allow others to see. Call it a soul maybe, this is the place that holds the most value. All else can drift but this. When this dies our body has no meaning. We handle this portion of our being with extreme care. Life tears at us and scars us as children so we adopt facades and masks to hide this part of us, to keep this sacred part of ourself from the pain. And yet, we long to communicate this deeper place ... to connect with each other on this spiritual level, for we know that this is the only part of us that will last.
These spiritual transactions remind us of the true meaning and yearning that cannot be found on the surface. Many times songs allow us to communicate these deeper places. Music is admitted under the skin without permission. Pain is a common emotion in many of my songs mainly because I often don't know other ways to express it adequately. In my songs I wrestle with the things that I don't understand.
I often use music as a handle for very emotionally explosive substances: love, sex, God, fear, doubt, politics, the economics of the soul—these are daunting thoughts in the back of my mind that I rarely visit without the safety gloves of song.
TDS: Describe your writing process? (Is it spontaneous? Does it take discipline or is it something that just comes naturally for you?)
FOREMAN: There's a book called The War of Art that tells us, "The muse honors the working stiff." It's like Paul [the Apostle or Saint Paul] working out his salvation with fear and trembling because it's his God who works predestination or free will, sunshine and rain. They're both very needed. It's both/and. Some songs come to me and other ones, I chase them down. Most of the time a spark of beauty or truth will start a fire of a song but fires rarely produce goodness on their own ... you need to control them and put them to work.
TDS: How much does experience play into your songwriting?
FOREMAN: Experience is all I have. I equate song-writing with archeology. Every day you dig. You dig into different places within yourself—even finding places that you've rarely been. And buried within the soil is song. Sometimes the song is average, or derivative, or something you're not proud of. And other times you discover a lost city, something that has always been there. You don't feel as though you wrote it but rather as though you found it.
He also wrote lyrics to a song he wrote:
Push (the human race)
to be honest
i've never been honest
and even now
the truth comes out in stutters and fits
every word that's born is self-conscious
the critic weighs
not truth or fact or fiction but wit
and I know
I'm not that funny
so stop laughing,
is our human race the collection of
our collective longings to be loved
acted out in fear and pain and push and shove?
push and shove?
so our worth gets wrapped up in opinion
that fickle friend
whose loyalty is subject to change
Is acceptance the target destination?
A broken heart
will follow me as sure as the grave
cause I know
I'm not that funny
so stop laughing
is our human race the collection of
our collective longings to be loved
acted out in fear and pain and push and shove?
push and shove?
And I began to grin
when my final song was sung
Cause the human race is a race that
Be sure to read the rest here.
----- gave a shou-tout to Switchfoot, who gave a shout-out to ONE last night on Jimmy Kimmel.
Last night, longtime ONE members and supporters, Switchfoot appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live playing a cut (Mess With Me) off their new disc Hello Hurricane. It’s a great tune and a really great disc. So it’s worth watching just for the performance.
But it’s really worth watching for the added bonus of seeing lead singer Jon Foreman sporting a ONE shirt during the performance. It’s a great visual shout out.
Check out the video:
See the original blog post here.
Don't forget to take the time to vote! It's not that much of a time-waster (only a couple minutes at most). Also, remember, remember to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations. It made a small resurgence this morning, so be sure to help keep the pressure on!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS. Keep going.

Again, go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
2:47 PM
Labels: In the News, Interviews, Videos
Watch Switchfoot play "Mess of Me" on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
From last night's performance:
^Rate, fave, and view it! Also, look for me at :48. ;)
Our goals for this one, from Switchfoot's Youtube manager Corey Vidal, is 15,000 views in 24 hours. GO!
Posted by
12:51 AM
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hello Hurricane tour Roxy Show Recap
The Hello Hurricane tour continues! Here are videos from last night's show in West Hollywood, at the Roxy!
"Needle and Haystack Life"
"Your Love Is a Song"
"Free" (with "Happy Is a Yuppie Word" intro)
See more here
blinditachil7 also provided the setlist:
01 - Needle and Haystack Life
02 - Mess of Me
03 - Your Love Is a Song
04 - The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues)
05 - Enough to Let Me Go
06 - Free
07 - Hello Hurricane
08 - Always
09 - Bullet Soul
10 - Yet
11 - Sing It Out
12 - Red Eyes
13 - Dare You to Move
14 - Stars
15 - Oh! Gravity
16 - This Is Your Life
17 - Twenty-Four
18 - Only Hope
19 - Meant to Live
20 - Dirty Second Hands
CCM Magazine
CCM Magazine's website also features Switchfoot on the frontpage, and has some personal blogs from the band members. Check out the source page here
Here is what's out so far.
Tim Foreman:
Last night was actually pretty emotional for me and I think it was for the other guys too. We played the entire new record live, front-to-back, for the first time ever, for a sold-out hometown crowd here in San Diego. It marked the end of a long journey making this record and the beginning of a new one as we begin touring these songs around the world. We've poured so much into these songs over the past three years and it feels a bit surreal to see this album finally breathing in the daylight.
Playing twelve new songs in a row that people haven't yet heard is a real stretch for almost any audience to sit through and we were really blown away by the enthusiasm and excitement that was expressed last night from the crowd. It was as if they had shared in the journey with us, as if these songs were connecting with them in the same way that they connect with us. What a gift. We are truly thankful. Hello Hurricane.
-Tim Foreman
Jerome Fontamillas:
Here I am the day before our new album is released feeling a bit contemplative as I think back over the last two and a half years of the recording process and the remarkable journey the five of us have gone through in making this album. I feel so proud to be in a band with Chad, Drew, Tim and Jon. I loved seeing how the songs have grown from a tiny idea to where it is now.
Jon, thank you for allowing me to help you sculpt these very personal songs. It's truly an honor. Tim, your vision for the details of the tunes has not gone unnoticed. The final product is a reflection of that. Chad, not only are you an awesome drummer, but your encouragement throughout this whole recording process has been so welcomed and much needed. Drew, not only do you push the boundaries of creativity, but you've also helped me to push my own boundaries of creating music as well.
To me, you are the "fountain of sound." I feel like the five of us have just gone on a roller-coaster, inching its way to the highest peak. Looks like we're just about there... I begin to raise my hands... here we go! Hello Hurricane!
-Jerome Fontamillas
On Tuesday our record came out. We leave for L.A. in the morning and then head east. I still find the whole idea of modern travel fairly incredible. I find it remarkable that in a few weeks time I will be on the other side of the country- looking out across an ocean that is not the Pacific. And it's not just physical travel that impresses me- almost everything around us moves incredibly quickly. I am typing these words on a laptop that will wirelessly transmit this message to be read by you, the reader, wherever you may be. Or take in this modern marvel: our entire record (songs that took three years to conjure up!) can be downloaded in a few minutes. These are truly incredible feats.
And yet, most of our modern technological achievements are implemented in an attempt to accomplish the foundational elements of the human experience: communication, community, identity, self-expression... With all of our "progress" we are no closer to answering the timeless questions that define our lives. We are looking for answers. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace... we are social beings looking for meaning, purpose, and relationship. Who am I? What is meaningful? What is worth living for? Technology cannot define these things. We define these answers with our actions. "Who am I? Well, maybe I'm a guy who spends way too much time on his laptop! What is meaningful, or worth living for?" Apparently, (judging from my use of the time I've been given on the planet) this laptop sure is!
I'm not knocking technology, (as I already mentioned that I'm using a laptop to write these thoughts down!) but I am saying that every blessing is a curse. The incredibly sharp blade of the binary world can be used for good and for evil. I know first hand. I'll be using cell phones, emails, Skype, and all the rest to try and connect with my loved ones while I'm gone. But I miss the physical element the most. I guess I'm simply a voice in the digital world crying out for an analog conversation. Physical hands holding each other. Physical eyes looking at one another, looking around at this planet and marveling at it. None of us are immortal. These hearts only beat for so long. So don't wait! Why talk to Facebook for another hour? Shut down your computer, give your daughter a kiss and take a walk with your wife.
-Jon Foreman
Alternative Press has Switchfoot featured on their homepage as well, with a certain infamous picture being used. :P
They also have a feature with Switchfoot, a song-by-song review with Jon Foreman. It's nothing new, but still interesting to note.
Here's a higher quality video of the time Switchfoot was featured on The Morning Show.
^I now realize, this has some footage of the band working on the radio edit version "Always!" Interesting random trivia there.
Some more videos from the Sam Goody CD release show:
"Always" (Radio Edit arrangement, acoustic)
^Really liked that!
"Yet" (full)
Don't forget to take the time to vote! Remember, remember to request "Mess of Me" on your local rock stations. It's slowing down a bit, but we can help the single to keep going!
- 98.7 (Los Angeles) Badass 8 We were No. 7 last night. We need to continue to put pressure on and get higher! The station is starting to spin the song more... VOTE.
- 91x (San Diego) Christy Taylor's REALLY BIG Countdown Keep requesting each day to keep it on the countdown! We were no. 1 last night. YES!
- RadioU's Top Ten Most Wanted. We still have the top spot! Well done! Let's keep it that way!
- We need to get "Mess of Me" on to KROQ, in order to get this single off the ground. Go HERE to request it! Keep it up friends! Don't slow down, WE NEED THIS. Keep going.
Again, go here to see a list of stations already playing "Mess of Me" and phone numbers to call in and request the song with!! This is our time to shine, friends!
Posted by
8:45 AM
Labels: Hello Hurricane Tour, On TV, Reviews, Videos
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mid-day UPDATES: "Your Love Is a Song" charts in iTunes top 100; Exclusive Switchfoot song?
For the main update for today, and a recap of Switchfoot's huge opening day yesterday, you can go here.
Great news this morning, thanks to Jeanna from LOBH for pointing these out.
"Hello Hurricane," according to's iTunes chart, is listed twice in the Top 10.
^That's amazing and looks pretty comical!
"Your Love Is a Song," a potential SMASH single (in my opinion), is getting some early returns, being the 95th ranked song overall in the entire iTunes music store.
^If you have any extra cash, please contribute...? If we can get a Billboard charting for that song also, what a great message that sends to Atlantic!
Other charts:
On it's currently:
#32 in Music
#1 in Music > Christian
#17 in Music > Rock
#30 in Music > Pop
As for the songs... iTunes Top Alternative Songs:
#13 - Your Love is a Song
#32 - Enough to Let Me Go
#98 - Hello Hurricane
In other news, Switchfoot once again have a surprise of their sleeves. Check out this tweet from them... I thought it was rather cryptic at first:
- recording 1 song exclusively 4 part is you guys get to choose the song. follow @vcastmusic for details
Vcast then kinda sorta cleared it up, but I'm hoping to get more details.
- @Switchfoot will be recording 1 song exclusively for Verizon & they want YOU to choose the song! We'll post song choices noon PST 4 voting!
Now this makes more sense:
- Tweet us which song u want #Switchfoot 2 record an acoustic version of: “Mess Of Me”, “The Sound” or “Always.”Voting closes 11/13 @ 11am PST
Here's a list of food banks Switchfoot will be supporting throughout the Hello Hurricane tour.
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: Charts, Hello Hurricane Tour, Twitter