Mhmm. I was initially going to post every single video that was uploaded on Youtube from the past four shows shows at Big Ticket, Alive, Toronto, and Lancaster, but, that would cause this page to load up at a snail's pace. So, here's a select few, probably the better ones, so you don't go crazy waiting for everything to load. :)
So first off, here is a video of "Stars" from Switchfoot's set at the Alive Festival.
Jon Foreman also played an aftershow...
(Note: The entire aftershow was uploaded, so be sure to switchfoot102's channel to check out more)
Resurrect Me (In the regular EP key)
Another Note: For the past few times Jon has played this song (most notably at Fiction Family shows), he's been playing down a few keys, but on this performance, he's playing the song in the key that is heard on the Summer EP.
Southbound Train
While we're on the subject of Alive, Andy Barron updated the Daily Foot for this show:
Alive Fest, Ohio
A Relevant Magazine staffer wrote up a blog about his experience with the band. It's definitely a great read, and he pretty much gushes about Switchfoot and their genuineness and overall how great they are as people:
It's great to have this job and to be in the position to bless people in those little ways. It says a lot about Switchfoot (who later signed autographs for a few hundred fans until they were all gone) to be willing to help make a young fan's dream come true. And it's such a perk to have the job I have, being able to help facilitate those things. I took Jake to the signing with me and was able to bring him up close while I took some photos. You would think that after 45 minutes of just standing there and staring at five people sign posters one would get bored. Not Jake. About every 15 minutes, he would call out to Tim (Switchfoot's bass player), "Tim! You're awesome!" And every time, Tim would stop his signing, lean back, give Jake a high five and say "You're awesome!" right back to him. I don't think I'll ever run out of good things to say about those guys.
Read the rest HERE
Now, on to Toronto! Here's a video from Switchfoot's Toronto setlist two nights ago.
Hello Hurricane (Full Band Version!)
Mess of Me (Good quality audio!)
This Is Home
Dare You to Move
That song never ceases to amaze live, even after all these years. Epic.
And, "Bullet Soul" was debuted in Lancaster last night! Here it is here:
Full Song (blurry audio)
Shorter vid, better audio
^Gotta love the Drew Shirley shredding!
All this time, the Switchfoot guys have been updating the twitter. Here's the digest:
June 21st Twitter updates
- Just crossed back into the states. Had an amazing time in Toronto. Show was special, sold-out crowd was loud. Can't wait to come back.
- Checking out an Amish farm here in Lancaster, so great! -tim

- "I find it ironic that @switchfoot just twittered from an Amish farm." (via @OmahaSheriton) agreed. -tim
- the guys are playing 'bullet soul' live for the first time ever right now! -andy

- @alyandaj haha, yes! Now I'm getting confused. -tim
- Wow Lancaster, you did not disappoint. What a great end to a fun run of shows. Flying home in a few hours for bro-am week in San Diego. -tim
June 22nd:
- On board, flying home. Feeling tired and punchy.

So amongst this grand potpourri of brand new Switchfoot concert footage, what's your favorite new song so far? Is it the acoustic rendition of "Hello Hurricane?" The full-band version of "Hello Hurricane?" Or some "Bullet Soul" or "Mess of Me"? I'd love to hear your opinions, yallzz! Peace, happy Monday :)
1st i'd like to say i love all switchfoot songs equally :)
from what i've heard, me thinks bullet soul is AWESOME. like you said drew's shredding is amazing, and romey is a very talented cowbell-er :)
@beamo I totally agree. I was just thinking, don't you think "Bullet Soul" would be a perfect sports arena type song playing over the speakers? or an ESPN video reel. hehe.
haha yeah! i could see that on one of those pre-game-video-montage-thingys :)
It's been stuck in my head all day. XP
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