Yupp. The Switchfoot guys are now at the airport checking up on all their gear before they head out to play the first show of the Summer season in Gaylord, MI. Just a reminder, here are the shows they'll be playing this summer, before the big Crazy Making Tour with Blue October:
6.18.09 Gaylord, MI
The Big Ticket Festival
6.19.09 Canal Fulton, OH
Alive Festival
6.20.09 Toronto, Ontario
The Phoenix Concert Theatre
6.21.09 Lancaster, PA
American Music Theatre
6.26.09 Del Mar, CA
Del Mar Fairgrounds
6.27.09 Encinitas, CA
Switchfoot Bro-Am
7.09.09 Kings Island, OH
7.10.09 Doswell, VA
Kings Fest
7.11.09 Kent, WA
ShoWare Center
7.15.09 Willmar, MN
Willmar Civic Ctr (SONSHINE)
7.17.09 Little Rock, AR
Riverfest Amphitheater
7.18.09 Baton Rouge, LA
Blue Bayou Water Park
7.24.09 Valparaiso, IN
Porter County Fair
Be sure to head over to switchfoot.com to purchase tickets for these shows or for the Crazy Making Tour.
In the aftermath of the new "Hello Hurricane" tracklisting we got from Switchfoot yesterday, we have a few items to report on.
First, Woodsawya from the official message boards created one of the best Switchfoot mash-ups I have ever heard. It's titled "This Is the Sound" in honor of the new song from "Hello Hurricane." NOTE: this is not to be confused with the actual song that is to be released later on.
This Is The Sound (unofficial)
What do you think of that? Pretty cool, huh?
And after the Twitter announcement yesterday, Switchfoot and Andy Barron were busy on there:
June 16, 2009
- Twitter typo: john m perkins, not john b perkins.
- RT: Sweet mother of peanut butter cups. How exciting is that vinyl news from @switchfoot? Seeing them in 3.5 days. Huzzah. (via @lisareuben)
- That was my favorite twitter today! Just starting rehearsals. -tim
- @switchfoot shows this week:
- shows this week: 6/18 Gaylord, MI * 6/19 N. Lawrence, OH * 6/20 Toronto, ONT * 6/21 Lancaster, PA. www.switchfoot.com for more info
- next week is Switchfoot week in San Diego: 6/25 Bro-Am Auction; 6/26 Del Mar Fair; 6/27 5th Annual Switchfoot Bro-Am Surf Contest/Concert
- So come to Del Mar Fair for the big rock show on Fri, then come surf/hang out with us at the beach the next day. info: http://bit.ly/9YF3N
- one more change. (john m. perkins blues) goes after 'the sound'. last typo. promise. so, ya, im watching the guys rehearse. luv, andy.
- i set down my real camera and picked up my phone to shoot this. weird. here's rehearsal. luv @andybarron http://twitpic.com/7koig

June 17, 2009
- At airport, checking gear. Flying out to Nashville to get on the bus and head to MI.
- Boarding time. http://yfrog.com/3oyaeqj

And lastly:
The Album Project reports on the new tracklisting.
Have a great tour Switchfoot! And to all the friends out there, make sure you bring a camera to catch the new songs. ;)
Do u know when the album art will be released?
@Mi470, Nope. But I have a feeling it's soon.
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